

The Strange History of Vaccines – And Why People Fear Them

Published in 2017, this story is worth a fresh look as many people continue to express concerns about Covid-19 vaccines.  NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC – Before vaccines, millions of children died horrific deaths each year from infectious diseases like whooping cough, polio, and measles. Today, thanks to vaccines, most of these diseases have been eradicated. Yet people in different corners of the world are rejecting vaccines. In the United States, more and more parents are refusing to have their...

Which Vaccine You Should Get, According To Mayo Clinic

"It is so important to get this vaccine when it's offered to you," says Mayo Clinic Dr. Melanie Swift. PLUS: A quarter of wait-and-seers said a one-dose vaccine would make them more likely to get their shot.

China’s Food Chain Eyed In Coronavirus Origin

Introduction of the novel coronavirus through food chain products has been judged a possible pathway, according to a report on how COVID-19 spread to humans.

Pandemic-Weary Americans Seek Psychiatric Help

A third of psychologists said they are seeing more patients since the start of the pandemic. It seems likely that an increase in use of psychiatric medications -- which have substantial side-effect risks -- would follow.  CNBC – Coronavirus has rocked the nation with a year of restrictions, lockdowns, missed gatherings and events, isolation and a staggering loss of more than half a million American lives. As the pandemic stretches into a second year, Americans struggling...

UK Says AstraZeneca Jab Safe

Britain’s medicines regulator is urging people to continue taking the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine, despite revealing that seven people in the U.K. have died from rare blood clots after getting the jab.

New York Cops Charge Boy With Rape; He’s 7

A 7-year-old boy from upstate New York has been charged with rape.

Florida Gov. DeSantis Bans Vaccine ‘Passports’ Amid Concerns over Freedom, Privacy

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issued an executive order Friday banning businesses from requiring customers to show proof they have been vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to get service.

US Deaths Rose 16 Percent In 2020; Covid Ranked #3

CNBC – The coronavirus was the third leading cause of death in the U.S. in 2020, behind heart disease and cancer, according to a new study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Search results by disease (Source: Yahoo! News):  HEART DISEASE, 260 news results CANCER, 5,684 news results COVID, 9,151 news results More than 3.3 million deaths were reported in the U.S. last year, a 16% increase over 2019, according to...

Travel Guidance Eased as CDC Says Vaccinated People at Low Risk

Federal authorities said fully vaccinated people can resume recreational travel in the U.S. at “low risk,” and signaled a relaxation of operational guidelines for cruise ships, handing a major boost to the nation’s battered tourism industry.

Naked Florida Woman Rescued From Storm Drain

Rescuers are still scratching their heads after helping a woman out of a storm drain, where she had allegedly been trapped for weeks. Although her family is glad that the woman has been rescued, they have more questions than answers about the woman’s past few weeks.

People Get This Wrong About Legal Marijuana

OPINION | NEWSWEEK – You may have heard about New York state's move to legalize marijuana. But lost behind the celebratory pro-pot headlines were the stories of Maryland, Hawaii, North Dakota and Wyoming. These states all saw marijuana legalization bills fail over the last week and joined New Hampshire in rejecting marijuana legalization this year, after more than a dozen states did so last year. This is encouraging news. Our country is struggling to navigate two...

Palin Confirms COVID-19 Diagnosis | Celebs Roll Up Sleeves

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says she tested positive for COVID-19 and is urging people to take steps to guard against the coronavirus, such as wearing masks in public.

Biden CANCELS Trump’s Food Stamp Rule

A Trump-era plan to cut food stamps is now off the table after the Biden administration said it is abandoning a previous plan to tighten work requirements for working-age adults without children.

Conservatives Have Healthcare Ideas, Too

Last month, POLITICO asserted that there was "a big fat question mark about what vision of health care Republicans will offer to voters as the country emerges from the pandemic." But there are plenty of ideas from the right for healthcare reform.
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