

“Unlawful, Unenforceable”: Court Tosses State’s Stay-At-Home Order

May 13, 2020 CNN – The Wisconsin Supreme Court has overturned the state's stay-at-home order, ruling the order "unlawful" and "unenforceable." The court ruled that Democratic Gov. Tony Evers' administration overstepped its authority when state Department of Health Services Secretary-designee Andrea Palm issued an extension of the order to May 26. The lawsuit was filed by the Republican-controlled Wisconsin Legislature against Palm and other health officials, who recently extended the state's "Safer at Home" emergency order. At the...

Barber Promised To Stay Open “Til Jesus Comes,” Loses License

"The government is not my mother, never has been. I've been in business longer than they've been alive." Michigan strikes back by suspending elderly barber's license By ED WHITE Associated Press DETROIT (AP) — State regulators on Wednesday suspended the license of a 77-year-old Michigan barber who insisted on cutting hair despite an order to stay closed during the coronavirus pandemic. Karl Manke has pledged to keep his shop open "until Jesus comes." A judge declined the state's request...

State Senator, 54, Dies of COVID-19

"Was known for his kindness and calm demeanor, even during passionate legislative debates." MLIVE – A former state senator has died of COVID-19 related complications after weeks in the hospital, Michigan lawmakers confirmed Tuesday. Sen. Morris Hood III, 54, who was term-limited out of office in 2018 after serving in both the House and Senate, had been on a ventilator after COVID-19 exacerbated other underlying health conditions related to Hood’s kidney transplant, Senate Minority Leader Jim...

AOC Pleads For Unity To Save Left’s Healthcare Agenda

WASHINGTON (AP) — Joe Biden and the last rival he bested to become the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Bernie Sanders, on Wednesday announced the members of joint task forces their campaigns will use to promote party unity by hammering out consensus on six top policy issues. They include New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who will provide input on combating climate change and potentially become a key conduit between strong progressives who supported Sanders and backers...

Pelosi, Biden Hold ‘Mystifying,’ ‘Pro-Communist’ Views: Gingrich

"It is the Chinese Communist dictatorship which has caused this enormous level of pain literally to the entire planet." – Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich | May 11, 2020 Fox News – Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said on Monday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s rhetoric has been “very favorable” to the Chinese communist party. “It is very hard to understand why the Democratic Party is increasingly pro-Communist Chinese Party,” Gingrich...

Trump: We Have “Met The Moment” And “Prevailed”

"The Democrats are moving slowly, all over the USA, for political purposes…" – President Trump May 12, 2020 Liberty Headlines – President Donald Trump insisted his administration has “met the moment” and “prevailed” on coronavirus testing, even as the White House itself became a symbol of the risk facing Americans everywhere by ordering everyone who enters the West Wing to wear a mask. Trump on Monday addressed a Rose Garden audience filled with mask-wearing administration officials,...

Sen. Toomey: Open America Now

Breitbart News – Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) said on Friday that American political leaders are “overstating the danger” of coronavirus to most Americans while “underestimating” the economic “carnage” that lockdowns nationwide are causing. Toomey, a key U.S. senator from a Rust Belt battleground state, conducted this exclusive interview with Breitbart News after rolling out a plan to much more quickly reopen Pennsylvania than the plan the state’s Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf has begun. Toomey, a widely respected...

Florida Man Made Millions Defrauding Health Agency

"The ordering physician ... authorized genetic testing for hundreds of patients across the country that he never saw, examined, or treated." Department of Justice, U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of New Jersey May 6, 2020 NEWARK, N.J. – A Florida man today admitted his role in using his company to defraud the Medicare Program in connection with fraudulent orders for genetic tests, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced. Kacey C. Plaisance, 38, of Altamonte Springs, Florida, pleaded guilty by videoconference before...

Republicans Praise Trump’s Pandemic Response

May 6, 2020 |  Politico – Senate Republicans are settling on their pandemic message as they fight to save their majority: President Donald Trump did a tremendous job. The coronavirus has killed more than 70,000 Americans, tanked the once-soaring U.S. economy and shows no signs of abating. And Trump’s ineffective leadership is largely to blame, say Democrats who are growing optimistic they can seize the Senate after being relegated to the minority for six years. But nearly...

de Blasio Thinks He Knows What’s Best For Other States

"My message to the rest of the country is ... if this thing boomerangs you're putting off any kind of restart or recovery a hell of a lot longer." NYC mayor: Other states may be reopening too quickly NEW YORK (AP) — New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Wednesday that rising coronavirus infection rates outside of the New York metropolitan area should serve as a warning to other states not to reopen their economies...

Desperate Migrants ‘Trapped In Limbo’

Desert or sea – Virus traps migrants in mid-route danger zone | May 03, 2020 | AP – Thousands of desperate migrants are trapped in limbo and even at risk of death without food, water or shelter in scorching deserts and at sea, as governments close off borders and ports amid the coronavirus pandemic. Migrants have been dropped by the truckload in the Sahara Desert or bused to Mexico's desolate border with Guatemala and beyond. They are drifting in the Mediterranean...

Trump Orders Meat Plants To Re-Open

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump will sign an executive order Tuesday meant to stave off a shortage of chicken, pork, and other meat on American supermarket shelves because of the coronavirus. The order will use the Defense Production Act to classify meat processing as critical infrastructure to keep production plants open. The order comes after industry leaders warned that consumers could see meat shortages in a matter of days after workers at major facilities tested...

Trump’s New Message: It’s About The Economy

Apr 26, 2020 | Axios – The White House plans to shift its coronavirus messaging more toward boosting the economy and highlighting "success stories" of businesses, reducing its public emphasis on health statistics, according to two officials familiar with the planning. Driving the news: The Coronavirus Task Force — and the doctors who've become household names, Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci — "will continue but take a back seat to the forward-looking, 'what's next' message," a White...

Trump Admin. Threatens Fed. Court For Govs. Who ‘Overreach’

" wants to make sure people have the rights and they maintain the rights, very importantly." – Donald Trump, April 27, 2020   | Barr tells federal prosecutors to 'be on the lookout' for overly restrictive coronavirus shutdown orders Fox News – Attorney General Bill Barr has instructed federal prosecutors to "be on the lookout" for overly restrictive state and local shutdown orders that may infringe on people's constitutional rights. In a memo issued Monday, Barr recognized that...
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