
Biden Challenges Trump To Battle Of The Fittest

“When it comes to Donald Trump versus me: Just look at us. Okay? Just look at us.”

Set 14, 2020

Fox News – Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden went on the offensive on Sunday in the war of words between him and President Trump over who the fittest man – both mentally and physically – to lead the country.

As the fitness feud between the two septuagenarians heats up as Election Day quickly approaches, Biden asked the American public to take a good look at him and Trump, and decide who’s in better shape.

“When it comes to Donald Trump versus me: Just look at us. Okay? Just look at us,” Biden said during an interview on CNN. “Who seems to be in shape? Who’s able to move around?”

Biden, who has been nicknamed “sleepy Joe” by Trump, laughed off the president’s derogatory remark and vowed to release any information on his health.

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“This idea of slow Joe — anyway,” Biden said. “

“Donald Trump, just look at us both, watch us, and determine whether or not you think I’m misleading anyone — not you personally, but the public.”

He added: “I guarantee you I will be totally transparent in terms of my health and all aspects of my health … ” Read more. 


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