

Jacksonville Mayor Praises Trump, DeSantis Virus Responses

While speaking to a Congressional panel, Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry on Friday praised the White House and Gov. Ron DeSantis for building the “foundation” for Jacksonville’s response to the coronavirus outbreak. Curry was part of a panel of mayors from seven cities across the country, delivering a five-minute prepared speech and answering questions from members of the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis. He briefly discussed the city’s efforts to return to...

‘Trump Is Right’ To Ditch China

Trump is right to ditch 5 decades of failed US-China policy | Gordon G. Chang, OPINION | May 29, 2020 | Fox News – In less than nine minutes, President Trump delivered remarks at the White House on Friday signaling his administration has ditched almost five decades of the American policy of engagement with China. It’s about time. China has been challenging the United States across the board, and Trump – with his comprehensive comments Friday – signaled...

Trump To WHO: We’re Done

‘The world is now suffering as a result of the malfeasance of the Chinese government…’ (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In a blistering criticism of China, President Donald Trump announced a raft of responsive measures, including a withdrawal from the World Health Organization. “China has total control over the World Health Organization, despite only paying $40 million a year compared to what the United States has been paying, which is approximately $450 million,” Trump said during a press conference...

People Keep Shooting Each Other Over Face Masks

Wave of violence tied to face masks, store closures, and social distancing rules May 20, 2020 thetrace.org – Since March, state and local governments across the country have instituted a slew of public closures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The policies have shuttered businesses and prevented public gatherings, but have also engendered a new category of violence. May 15, Flint, Michigan A security guard at a liquor store shot a customer in the ankle after the man...

Wuhan Lab Head Calls Trump’s Virus Leak Claims ‘Pure Fabrication’

"We didn't even know about the existence of the virus, so how could it be leaked from our lab when we didn't have it?" – Prof. Yanyi Wang, Wuhan Institute Of Virology May 24, 2020 NEW YORK (AP) — Claims promoted by the Trump administration that the global coronavirus pandemic originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the central Chinese city are a "pure fabrication," the institute's director said. Wang Yanyi was quoted by state media Sunday as...

CNN Cheers New ‘World Order’ Over Trump’s ‘Chaotic Strategy’

"Power had visibly ebbed away from the United States." – Nic Robertson, CNN  "The pandemic could reshape the world order," says CNN's Nic Robertson, as "Trump's chaotic strategy is accelerating US losses."   Analysis by Nic Robertson, CNN | May 23, 2020 | London (CNN) – Europe outright rejected US President Donald Trump's vision of the world this week. Tensions between these historic democratic allies that have been simmering since Trump came to office three years ago have now come to...

Fauci Policies ‘Emasculated’ Healthcare, ‘Ruined’ Economy: Rand Paul

"As much as we respect Dr. Anthony Fauci’s service to our country and medical opinion, we disagree that his current positions on the virus outbreak provide the best path forward. Instead, discouraging states from reopening will only prolong a long-term public health and economic crisis."  Fox News – Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., along with Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., said in an op-ed Thursday that the coronavirus lockdown recommendations of Dr. Anthony Fauci have “emasculated” the health...

WHO Has Its Hand Out As Trump Pushes Off

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres said Africa needs more than $200 billion and "an across the board debt standstill for African countries." The Latest on the coronavirus pandemic. By The Associated Press TOP OF THE HOUR: — UN Secretary-General warns virus pandemic threatens Africa's progresss — Trump again says he is considering barring flights from hard-hit Brazil — WHO members OK evaluation of virus response. — Russian prime minister returns to work after bout with coronavirus. ___ UNITED NATIONS — The United Nations...

Trump Admin. ‘Quickly Expelling’ Most Border Crossers

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Trump administration policy of quickly expelling most migrants stopped along the border because of the COVID-19 pandemic was indefinitely extended Tuesday, with a top U.S. health official arguing that what had been a short-term order was still needed to protect the country from the virus. The order issued by Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, authorizes Customs and Border Protection to immediately remove...

ChiCom Congress Under Martial Law

The deputy mayor of Beijing says the city has entered "wartime" preparations to prevent the virus from spreading. May 19, 2020 As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) prepares for a key political meeting that will commence on May 21, authorities have enacted strict measures in Beijing to prevent an outbreak of the CCP virus among top officials. The Party’s rubber-stamp legislature and advisory body convenes annually for the Lianghui, or “Two Sessions,” to enact policies and agendas....

Governors ‘Using Crisis To Hide Actions From Citizens’

OPINION | By Adam Laxalt Fox News – Freedom of Information laws protect democracy by empowering citizens to hold officials accountable. This safeguard isn’t swept aside because our country is suffering through a pandemic; it becomes more important to make sure politicians are acting responsibly. In an editorial published last week, The New York Times rightly asserts that public officials don’t get to withhold information and avoid accountability. In fact, the public deserves more transparency in difficult times. “While...

Taco Trucks Busted For Wide Ranging Health Violations

"There were several 'potentially hazardous' issues regarding the temperature and time of food storage... These were repeat violations." Location: The Villages, FL Food trucks can fill a huge void right now when most restaurants are either closed or operating far below their capacity. Here we take a coast-to-coast tour of food trucks in the news – some because of their shortcomings, others because of their in-demand services ...  May 17, 2020 Food Safety Network – Tacos el Guero,...

Trump Attacks UN/WHO: “Gave Us Bad Advice”

Washington (AFP) – President Donald Trump attacked the United Nations health body as a Chinese “puppet” on Monday and confirmed he is considering slashing or canceling US support. “They’re a puppet of China, they’re China-centric to put it nicer,” he said at the White House. Trump said the United States pays around $450 million annually to the World Health Organization. Plans are being crafted to slash this because “they gave us a lot of bad advice,” he...

$3T Spending Bill Mentions Pot 68 Times, Jobs Only 52

“How do you explain a Democratic Party so crazy that their new $3 trillion proposal has 68 references to Cannabis and only 52 references to jobs?" – Newt Gingrich OPINION By Newt Gingrich | Fox News When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the $3 trillion coronavirus spending bill she and her allies had written – a bill passed by House Democrats Friday night with only a single Republican vote in support – my first reaction was that it...
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