

People Are Freaking Out Over ‘Missing’ Stimulus Checks

PLUS: Indianapolis quadruple homicide started after argument over stimulus check, court docs show FOX Business – 36-year-old Spartanburg man Ray Michael Bradford Jr. was charged with attempted murder, three counts of arson and malicious injury to property after confessing to assaulting his live-in girlfriend and setting their home and vehicles on fire. Deputies said the incidents stemmed from the government keeping his $600 stimulus check for child support and wanting to “get even with those who...

World’s Actual Greatest Dad Dies At 80

BOSTON (AP) — Dick Hoyt, who inspired thousands of runners, fathers and disabled athletes by pushing his son, Rick, in a wheelchair in dozens of Boston Marathons and hundreds of other races, has died, a member of the family said Wednesday. He was 80. Dick passed away quietly in his sleep at his Holland, Massachusetts, home on Wednesday morning, Russ Hoyt, another of his sons, told The Associated Press. "He had an ongoing heart condition that he...

Biden: “Be A Patriot,” Get The Vaccine

WASHINGTON — U.S. President Joe Biden is suggesting that some Americans who are unwilling to get vaccinated for the coronavirus are unpatriotic. Speaking to ABC News in an interview that aired Wednesday, Biden said he had hoped to get politics out of the nationwide vaccination campaign, and that he's been surprised by some who are refusing to get shots. Biden said: "I just don't understand this sort of macho thing about I'm not going to get...

What’s Come Out About About The AstraZeneca Vaccine And Blood Clots

The European Medicines Agency urged governments not to halt use of the vaccine at a time when the pandemic is still taking thousands of lives each day.

Alcoholic Liver Disease ‘Off The Charts’

NPR SHOTS – For many years, Jessica Duenas led what she calls a double life. She was the first in her immigrant family to go to college. In 2019, she won Kentucky's Teacher of the Year award. That same year, Duenas typically downed nearly a liter of liquor every night. By the time she was 34, she was diagnosed with alcoholic hepatitis, a serious inflammation of her liver that doctors warned could could soon lead...

Texas Man ‘Doored’ In Chick-fil-A Drive Thru [VIDEO]

PLUS: Suspect dead after accidentally shooting himself in head while fleeing police  (CNN) Jacksonville, Texas police were attempting to stop a man in a stolen vehicle on Wednesday when he took off on foot, according to the department's Facebook page. The suspect ran into the Chick-fil-A parking lot with the officers in hot pursuit. Surveillance video of the incident shows the customer opening the door of his truck an instant before the suspect ran by. The suspect ran...

Tea Company In Hot Water Over Covid Cure Claim

FDA enforcement actions over unproven health claims by a tea company provide a useful example for consumers in the age of Covid disinformation and blatantly false claims. – HH FOOD SAFETY NEWS – Officials with a company in New York are on notice from the FDA for claims that their Earth Tea Extra Strength product for sale in the United States can mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose or cure COVID-19 in people. In a Feb. 18, 2020,...

What’s Come Out About Long-Term Vaccine Side Effects

"Given the sheer number of vaccines administered to date, common, uncommon and rare side-effects would have been detected by now. What’s more, we’ve been testing these vaccines in clinical trials since mid-2020, and both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines have shown excellent safety results."

Vacationing Fishermen Hook Great White Shark From Florida Beach

Pensacola News Journal – Two hours into the very first saltwater fishing trip of their lives March 3, seven friends from Idaho caught a great white shark on Pensacola Beach. That's a wildly high bar to set for future fishing trips, and the Pensacola charter captain who made the catch possible let them know as much. "I told them, 'I've been doing this for five years and you guys just caught a great white about an...

Rebel Rancher Jailed; Refused To Wear Mask In Court

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Anti-government activist Ammon Bundy was arrested Monday after failing to attend his trial on charges that he trespassed during an Idaho legislative session last fall. Bundy didn't appear in the courtroom because he was protesting outside the building instead, apparently angry in part over mask requirements put in place during the coronavirus pandemic. Bundy was joined by about two dozen other protesters on Monday morning, some holding signs with slogans like...

Jeanine Pirro Slams Harris For Silence On Cuomo Accusations

MSN Fox News’s Jeanine Pirro slammed Vice President Kamala Harris as a “mealy-mouthed politician” for not speaking up about the seven women who have accused Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual misconduct. Pirro said during the “closing statement” portion of her show Saturday evening: “Finally, tonight, she is a fraud, a phony, a woman without a moral core, a regular two-faced, mealy-mouthed politician who swings with the wind. A real role model, ain’t she?” After showing various news...

Fauci: Trump should urge his followers to get vaccinated

Associated Press – Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday he wishes former President Donald Trump would use his popularity among Republicans to persuade more of his followers to get the COVID-19 vaccine. In a round of interviews on the morning news shows, the government's top infectious disease expert lamented polling showing that Trump supporters are more likely to refuse to get vaccinated, saying politics needs to be separated from "commonsense, no-brainer" public health measures. Fauci said...

Game Over For Covid? New Vax 96% Effective

(Reuters) - Novavax Inc’s COVID-19 vaccine was 96% effective in preventing cases caused by the original version of the coronavirus in a late-stage trial conducted in the United Kingdom, the company said on Thursday, moving it a step closer to regulatory approval. There were no cases of severe illness or deaths among those who got the vaccine, the company said, in a sign that it could stop the worse effects of new variants that have...

Third Covid Wave Sweeps Across EU

THE GUARDIAN (UK) – A third wave of the Covid pandemic is now advancing swiftly across much of Europe. As a result, many nations – bogged down by sluggish vaccination campaigns – are witnessing sharp rises in infection rates and numbers of cases. The infection rate in the EU is now at its highest level since the beginning of February. The spread of new variants of the Covid-19 virus being blamed for much of the recent increase. Several...
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