
"weight loss" - search results

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Mayo Clinic Q and A: Managing osteoarthritis for hips and knees

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Recently, I started having more aches and pains, especially in my knees and hips. I wonder if I have arthritis. What...

Cold Water Swimming May Protect Against Obesity, Cardiovascular Disease

Taylor & Francis – Taking a dip in cold water may cut ‘bad’ body fat in men and reduce the risk of disorders such...

Experts Question the Role of Herb in the Death of Congressman’s Wife

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Scientists, doctors, and pathologists are questioning the Sacramento County coroner’s conclusion that Lori McClintock’s death was related to white mulberry, a...

It’s now illegal for anyone under 21 to buy canned whipped cream in New York

YAHOO! – It is now illegal for New Yorkers under age 21 to purchase a can of whipped cream, according to recently-passed state law. The...

Mayo Clinic Q and A: 10 nutrition myths debunked

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: As a woman in my 40s, I've experienced a wide variety of diet fads come and go. One week I read...

White children are overdiagnosed, overtreated for ADHD

White children are especially likely to be overdiagnosed and overtreated for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder during elementary school. That is the key finding from our recent peer-reviewed study.

Sunday Is National Tequila Day. Are the alleged health benefits of tequila real?

MEDICAL NEWS TODAY – Currently, no research in humans suggests drinking tequila carries any health benefits. But the Internet houses various articles promoting the findings...

How To Lose Weight Fast

FORBES – People strive to lose weight for myriad reasons, and many fall into the fad diet trap promising real results fast. While there...

Diabetes drug helps patients lose never-before-seen amounts of weight, study shows

YAHOO NEWS – A drug approved to treat Type 2 diabetes is extremely effective at reducing obesity, according to a new study. The drug, called...

Nordic Diet Lowers Cholesterol And Blood Sugar

UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN – A healthy Nordic diet can prevent a range of diseases. Until now, the health benefits attributed to a Nordic diet by...

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