
Former Aide Accuses Cuomo of Sexual Harassment

“Ms. Boylan described her experience working for Mr. Cuomo as ‘beyond toxic’ and ‘endlessly dispiriting.'”

Lindsey Boylan, who is now running for Manhattan borough president, said the governor would often discuss her physical appearance when she worked for him.

The New York Times – A former aide to Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on Sunday accused him of sexual harassment, asserting that the governor would often discuss her physical appearance, something she said occurred over the course of years.

Lindsey Boylan, the former aide, wrote on Twitter”

“I could never anticipate what to expect: would I be grilled on my work (which was very good) or harassed about my looks. Or would it be both in the same conversation?”

Ms. Boylan declined multiple requests for further comment. She has thus far discussed no specific allegations, nor did she provide any immediate corroboration.

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Screenshot: lindseyfornewyork.com

“There is simply no truth to these claims,” the governor’s press secretary, Caitlin Girouard, said on Sunday.

On Twitter, Ms. Boylan explained her policy of not taking questions from reporters on the topic.

“I have no interest in talking to journalists,” she wrote. “I am about validating the experience of countless women and making sure abuse stops. My worst fear is that this continues.

“And as @FKAtwigs said yesterday, my second worst fear is having to talk about and relive this,” she said, referring to the musician, who on Friday sued an ex-boyfriend, actor Shia LaBeouf, alleging he physically and emotionally abused her.

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Ms. Boylan recently launched a campaign for Manhattan borough president, following a failed bid to unseat Representative Jerrold Nadler on Manhattan’s Upper West Side.

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Before running for Congress, Ms. Boylan, 36, worked as a deputy secretary for economic development and as a special adviser to the governor, according to her LinkedIn page.

She has been a frequent critic of Mr. Cuomo and has long hinted at tensions with the governor’s office on social media … Read more. 


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