Aug 24, 2020 |
Newsweek – A Florida man is mourning his wife after the couple ignored public health guidance and believed misinformation shared online about the new coronavirus.
Brian Lee Hitchens and his wife Erin both contracted COVID-19 in May, leading to complications resulting in the wife’s death earlier this month, the BBC reported on Monday.
Hitchens said that he and his wife were confused by misinformation and conspiracy theories they read on Facebook, leading them to avoid taking precautions to curb their chances of getting sick.
Erin, 46, suffered from asthma, a pre-existing health condition that is believed to exacerbate the impact of the virus.
She died of heart complications related to COVID-19.
In May, Hitchens wrote a long post on Facebook explaining how he and his wife had been confused about the pandemic.
He told the BBC that they had at some point believed that it was being spread by 5G—a conspiracy theory that has been completely debunked—but that it was simply a hoax.
Hitchens wrote:
“Many people still think that the Coronavirus is a fake crisis which at one time I did too… ” Read more.
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