
CDC Reports Income Gap In Sleep Health

How long will it be until Congress suggests we spend tax dollars to address newly documented ‘income disparity’ in Americans’ quality of sleep?

July 28, 2020

CNN – A study by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that the more money someone made, the more likely they were to get a full night’s rest.

Of the adults surveyed, only 55% of people living below the poverty threshold received seven to eight hours of sleep per night.

For adults making 400% above the poverty threshold, that number rose to 66.6%. In 2014, the poverty threshold was $11,670 for a single-person household and $23,850 for a four-person household.

This particular study did not address the negative consequences of not getting enough sleep, said Lindsey Black, an epidemiologist at the CDC. However, there have been other studies that show multiple negative consequences from sleeping too little, she said.

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“Sleep affects many aspects of well-being and quality of life for people of all ages,” Black said. Poor quality sleep has been associated with increased risk of diabetes and heart disease, mental health issues such as depression, and driving accidents, she said.

The study also did not look into why the rich sleep more than the poor, but Dr. Neil Kline, a sleep physician at the American Sleep Association, said there could be multiple reasons.

“People with more resources are able to afford homes that are in quieter locations — more space, less people-density, and better sound-proofing,” Kline said. “People with more resources can also afford more healthcare when it relates to sleep disorders.”

Adults should be receiving between seven to eight hours of sleep per night, according to the American Sleep Association … Read more. 


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