

How Trump Could Still Fire Fauci

As a career civil servant, controversial COVID-19 policymaker Dr. Anthony Fauci is officially protected from being directly fired by the president. However, the exit of two top DHS officials shows that a president has much more influence than what's specifically provided by law ...   Washington (CNN) Two senior Department of Homeland Security officials have been forced to resign by the White House, according to sources familiar with the resignations. Among them was a top official...

9 States Where Biden’s Mask Mandate Is DOA

"Hey man, wear a mask!" Biden's new mask rule is dead-on-arrival in at least 9 states | PLUS:  FL remains an outlier as Gov. DeSantis bucks national trend on mask mandates Nov 11, 2020 Fox News – Joe Biden has laid out several ways to combat the coronavirus, including a national mask mandate -- but for now, not every state has committed to help. While the majority of America's governors already have issued statewide mask requirements, 16 states have...

Can Face Masks Cause Health Problems?

Pros and cons of wearing a mask The truth about masks and COVID-19 from the American Lung Association  Answer from a pulmonologist at Cleveland Clinic  9 Side Effects of Wearing Face Masks from Eat This, Not That!  American Lung Association by David G. Hill, M.D. | June 18, 2020 Are Masks 100% Effective? The gold standard N-95 mask is 95% effective at keeping the wearer free of inhaling viral particles. These masks are still best reserved for front-line...

Best Masks, Worst Masks – Ranked

Business Insider – Ever since the CDC began recommending cloth masks for the general public in April, researchers have been evaluating the best materials for filtering the coronavirus. An ideal mask blocks both large respiratory droplets from coughs or sneezes - the primary method by which people pass the virus to others - along with smaller airborne particles called aerosols, which are produced when people talk or exhale. It should be sealed around the nose and mouth,...

Fauci: Get Ready For Your Vaccine

Dr. Fauci offers 2021 forecast on COVID-19 vaccines, treatments Nov 9, 2020 SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and various new treatments for COVID-19 may be on their way even before 2020 ends, but the damage caused by the deadly novel coronavirus may linger for months or even years, said Anthony S. Fauci, MD, during an exclusive interview on Saturday. In his interview with AMA Executive Vice President and CEO James L. Madara, MD, Dr. Fauci said no one is certain...

Coronavirus: What Happens When You Get Infected?

"COVID-19 is more likely to go deeper than viruses like the common cold." WebMD – There are many types of coronaviruses. Some give you the common cold. The new coronavirus behind the 2019-2020 pandemic causes an illness called COVID-19. A virus infects your body by entering healthy cells. There, the invader makes copies of itself and multiplies throughout your body. The new coronavirus latches its spiky surface proteins to receptors on healthy cells, especially those in your...

Business Travel Is NOT Coming Back

Future of business travel unclear as virus upends work life AP – Brian Contreras represents the worst fears of the lucrative business travel industry. A partner account executive at a U.S. tech firm, Contreras was used to traveling frequently for his company. But nine months into the pandemic, he and thousands of others are working from home and dialing into video conferences instead of boarding planes. Contreras manages his North American accounts from Sacramento, California and doesn't...

Fauci Retire? Fuggedaboutit

"I Have No Intention Of Leaving" PLUS: Fauci has a word for his industry colleagues Nov 10, 2020 CNN – Dr. Anthony Fauci said Monday that he plans to remain in his role as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases through the remainder of the Trump administration and into President-elect Joe Biden’s administration. "I have no intention of leaving," Fauci told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. "This is an important job. I've been doing it...

Steven Spielberg’s Daughter Works As A Porn Star

"I’m a harm-reductionist" The daughter of Steven Spielberg (net worth, $3.7 billion) insists online stripping is part of her 'healing journey'  Fox News – Steven Spielberg's adopted daughter Mikaela is fond of her career choice. In February, the 24-year-old star told The Sun that she was working to launch a career as a sex worker, having already begun filming "solo" adult entertainment videos. Just days after the announcement, Mikaela was arrested on allegations of domestic violence, but the charges...

ER Doctor: Why Socialized Medicine Would Be A Disaster

Candidate Joe Biden promised to restore, rebuild, and expand Obamacare. Now as the apparent president-elect prepares to take office, we revisit the views of an ER physician who is also a member of  Congress ...   "I'm an ER doctor, here's why socialized medicine would be a total disaster for America"  By Dr. Mark Green, United States Congressman | July 11, 2019 I’m an emergency room physician, a cancer survivor, the father of a cancer survivor, and founder...

Biden’s Day-One Agenda: Federal Mask Mandate

What we know about Biden’s first-day checklist Nov 7, 2020 Quartz – All US presidential candidates have an ambitious list of tasks they promise to accomplish on the first day of their presidency. Whether or not they can actually fit a few hours of work between their noon inauguration and the evening galas, the promised Day One agenda is filled with items of heightened importance to their electoral base. Often, they involve reversing unpopular actions of...

Judge Ignores Quarantine, Works Polls, Dies Next Day

Nov 6, 2020 St. Louis Today – An election judge supervisor who had tested positive for COVID-19 broke quarantine, worked on Election Day and has since died, St. Charles County health officials said Thursday. The supervisor, who has not been named, received a positive test from a private lab on Oct. 30, the health department said. The lab told the supervisor to quarantine for 14 days. But the supervisor “nevertheless failed to follow the advice” and worked...

Trump Voters: Biden Win Is “Fake News”

"If we don't stop this today, it'll all be over. Otherwise we can kiss freedom goodbye." | "There's election fraud going on here" | In the Year of Covid, the 2020 presidential election turned on voters' views of federal coronavirus policies. While Biden supporters celebrate, Trump backers insist 'This isn't over!' Nov 8, 2020 Associated Press – Chanting "This isn't over!" and "Stop the steal," supporters of President Donald Trump protested at state capitols across the country Saturday,...

Biden’s COVID-19 Plans “Collide With New Realities”: WaPo

“It’s going to be very challenging for Biden to implement some of the ambitious pandemic preparedness and response plans he has ... ” Biden's plans to curb COVID-19 could face big hurdles in a divided country and Congress. Nov. 7, 2020  The Washington Post – President-elect Joe Biden made his election bid a referendum on Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. But as he inherits the worst crisis since the Great Depression — a raging...
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