

NYC Rat Population Surges Under COVID, de Blasio

“He’s turned this city into a s—hole.” New Yorks rant against mayor as "rats as big as bunnies" overtake city Nov 22, 2020 FOX NEWS, NEW YORK – Rats as big as bunnies are roaming the streets in broad daylight, nesting in trees and chewing through car engine wires that can cost thousands to fix. And there are so many that residents are kvetching about them every chance they get — 311 hotline complaints about rats...

‘The End Is In Sight’: Experts Say Pandemic Could End Soon

"We’re not going to be living like this forever ... " PLUS: Global economic impact exceeds $1.25 million for each death attributed to Covid-19 Experts express optimism about COVID-19 pandemic coming to a close November 21, 2020 Boston Globe – While the coronavirus continued to rip through the country and daily counts of new infections rose to record heights, the seemingly impossible occurred: good news. Promising trials from Pfizer and Moderna suggest that highly effective COVID-19 vaccines could be...

Florida Man Pries Open Gator’s Jaws To Save Puppy

Nov 21, 2020 CNN – A Florida man chased an alligator under water and rescued his 3-month-old puppy from the jaws of death. Richard Wilbanks, 74, of Estero pried the gator's jaws open to free Gunner, his Cavalier King Charles spaniel. "We were just out walking by the pond," Wilbanks told CNN, "and it came out of the water like a missile. I never thought an alligator could be that fast." He said adrenaline or instinct kicked in, and...

FL Mayors Warn DeSantis Of “Dire Consequences”

Florida mayors held a virtual news conference Wednesday to push for a statewide mask mandate and more Nov 19, 2020 Florida Politics – A cohort of mayors from the southern portion of the state is urging Gov. Ron DeSantis to change his hands-off approach to COVID-19 as infections continue to rise. Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber led a virtual news conference Wednesday featuring four separate requests as local leaders begin bracing for a potential spike in hospitalizations....

Fauci Eager For Transition, But Biden Hasn’t Called

"You pass the baton. That's what a smooth transition is. It's very, very much like a relay race." – Dr. Anthony Fauci  Nov 18, 2020 USA TODAY – Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday he wants to begin talks with President-elect Joe Biden to ensure a smooth transition for the new administration but believes the Biden team is wary of putting him in a "compromised position" as President Donald Trump refuses to concede the election. Fauci, the...

Biden Poses Dilemma For Catholic Bishops

Catholics divided as bishops examine Biden's abortion stance Nov 18, 2020 AP – Catholics split almost evenly in supporting Donald Trump or Joe Biden in the presidential election. Now they're sharply divided over a declaration by the head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops that the president-elect's support for abortion rights presents the church with a "difficult and complex situation." The USCCB's president, Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez, made that statement Tuesday near the close of...

Get-Tough Mask Rules Start Now

"I know the public is tired of hearing about masks, but until we increase the masking that we are doing, we won't be able to get this under control." – Dr. David Basel City readies mask rule after push from medical groups SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — The largest city in South Dakota appears ready to reverse course and pass a mask mandate Tuesday after enforcement was removed from the ordinance and medical groups said hospitals have...

‘People May Die’: Biden Urges Trump To Concede

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Joe Biden warned of dire consequences if President Donald Trump and his administration continue to refuse to coordinate with his transition team on the coronavirus pandemic and block briefings on national security, policy issues, and vaccine plans. The remarks marked Biden's toughest to date on Trump's failure to acknowledge his election loss and cooperate with the incoming administration for a peaceful transfer of power. "More people may die if we don't coordinate,"...

Inmates Get $2 An Hour Working For TX Medical Examiner

Nov 16, 2020 | CNN – El Paso County, one of Texas' Covid-19 hotspots, has recruited inmates to move bodies of coronavirus victims. They are temporarily relieving overworked personnel at the El Paso County Medical Examiner's Office, authorities say. Nine inmates from an El Paso County Sheriff's Office detention facility have volunteered to assist the medical examiner's office, which is currently housing bodies of Covid-19 victims in its permanent and mobile morgues. They have been working...

Grandma CANCELED | “Only In New York, Kids, Only In New York”

Planning a large family gathering in New York for Thanksgiving? Fuggedaboutit. CNN – Indoor and outdoor gatherings in private homes in New York state will be limited to 10 people, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Wednesday. Covid-19 cases are rising in New York and neighboring states, and the move aims to curb traffic from more restricted states into New York, said Cuomo. "If the national numbers are going up, and the states around you are going up, be...

Biden Cancer Charity Rakes In Millions, Spends $0 On Actual Research

Tax filings reveal Biden cancer charity spent millions on salaries, zero on research Nov 14, 2020 | New York Post – A cancer charity started by Joe Biden gave out no money to research, and spent most of its contributions on staff salaries, federal filings show. The Biden Cancer Initiative was founded in 2017 by the former vice president and his wife, Jill Biden, to “develop and drive implementation of solutions to accelerate progress in cancer...

New Vax Is 94.5% Effective, Says Moderna

"These are very exciting results." – Dr. Anthony Fauci | In Moderna's trial, 15,000 study participants were given a placebo shot. Over several months, 90 of them developed Covid-19 – 11 of them severe. Another 15,000 participants were given the vaccine, and only five of them developed Covid-19. None of the five became severely ill. – CNN Nov 16, 2020 Stat News – Moderna’s vaccine against Covid-19 is strongly effective, the company said Monday, building excitement...

Sen. Rand Paul: Fauci ‘Tends To Gloss Over The Science’

Fox News – Sen. Rand Paul, M.D., accused the nation's top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, of “glossing over the science” when it comes to whether or not people who have already had the coronavirus should still have to wear masks. “We have over 11 million people in our country who have already had COVID, we should tell them to celebrate,” Paul told Martha MacCallum Thursday night. “We should tell them to throw away their...

Fauci’s Orders: “Do What You’re Told”

WASHINGTON — Dr. Anthony Fauci has some new coronavirus guidance: “Do what you’re told.” In an interview Thursday, the coronavirus task force member and infectious disease expert pushed back on the notion that scientists were “authoritarian” for promoting strict lockdowns and social distancing measures. But the 79-year-old suggested the American spirit of independence had gotten in the way and the nation needed to follow their orders, whether they liked it or not. “I was talking with my...
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