
UK’s Covid Sex Rule Would Never Work In USA

No wonder they left … the British government wants to regulate and control everything, even sex. | Mark Jones, CC BY 2.0

“No person may participate in a gathering which takes place in a public or private place indoors, and consists of two or more persons.”

Jun 4, 2020

Too Many Rules 

| Think the US has too many social distancing rules? It’s nothing compared with the UK … 

Forbes – The questions — half serious, half joking — about what has become known as the coronavirus “sex ban,” #sexban, range from “does the British government intend to prevent its citizens from getting laid?” and “is it banning casual sex?” to insinuations that new official instructions issued to the public this week “to continue to control the virus and save lives” could be promoting intercourse in outside places.

As it announced an extension of the confinement, which began on March 23, Prime Minister Boris Johnson issued new directives this week intended to control the spread of the virus while releasing the pressure.

For example, parks and public spaces are open and up to six people can meet to practice sports or barbecue, following regulations such as wearing masks and respecting social distancing.

The new rules on personal relationships outlined in the Health Protection Act, which regulates coronavirus restrictions, weren’t included in earlier versions and have been interpreted as meaning that any sexual activity between adults from different households is explicitly illegal.

...article continued below
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The Independent noted that police can “arrest or fine people for breaking the law…The default penalty is £100 but the police do not have the power to verify violations inside the properties.”

The announcement specifies that “no person may participate in a gathering which takes place in a public or private place indoors, and consists of two or more persons.” Read more. 

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