
‘This Virus Is Controllable,’ WHO Says – After Failing To Control It

Maria DeJoseph Van Kerkhove is an American infectious disease epidemiologist. With a background in high-threat pathogens, Van Kerkhove specializes in emerging infectious diseases and is based in the Health Emergencies Program at the World Health Organization. Wikipedia

July 24, 2020 |

Controlling the virus takes ‘an all-of-government approach,’ WHO says

| ABC News – While the U.S. remains the nation with the most coronavirus cases and fatalities, some countries “have been able to control the virus,” said Dr. Maria VanKerkhove, the World Health Organization’s lead expert on COVID-19.

“We do see signs of hope. In some countries, they have been able to control the virus. This virus is controllable,” VanKerkhove told “Good Morning America” Friday. “Even countries that are really overwhelmed right now can turn things around.”

No matter if a country is wealthy or poor, urban or rural, VanKerkhove said control is due to “quick isolation, identification, care of patients.”

“This is not just a health sector response. This is an all-of-government approach — meaning that every sector needs to be involved,” she said.

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VanKerkhove also stressed the importance of “empowering individuals so that they know what they can do to prevent themselves from getting infected” — like social distancing, hand washing, wearing masks and being vigilant. Source (Fair Use). 

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