
This Breakthrough Prostate Cancer Treatment May Change the Game for Patients

Cutting-edge technology could deliver cancer-free results in as little as five visits — with fewer side effects when treating prostate cancer.

KATIE COURIC MEDIA – “You have cancer,” are three devastating words no one ever wants to hear from their doctor.

Unfortunately, that’s a reality that many patients and their families face each year:

In the U.S. alone, more than 1.7 million new cancer cases were reported in 2019. And cancer knows no bounds — it affects every age, gender, race, economic level, and nationality.

For men who are diagnosed, prostate cancer is the most common:

About one in eight men will battle this type of cancer during their lifetime. The good news is that with effective treatment and early detection, your chances of walking away prostate-cancer-free are definitely higher.

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“This [breakthrough] allows the doctor to more accurately pinpoint exactly where to send the radiation beams, making MRIdian an extraordinarily precise option for radiation therapy.” 

But what’s the right treatment for you? If you or a loved one has ever grappled with a prostate cancer diagnosis, then you know that the myriad options can send you spiraling.

Should you undergo surgery to remove your prostate, or get radiation? What types of radiation are available? What will the side effects be? Will it be painful? Will you be cured?

Thankfully, our friends at ViewRay are working to make treatment decisions easier.

Initial data from a randomized, controlled clinical trial independently led by UCLA found that ViewRay’s radiation technology, called MRIdian SMART, can precisely target prostate cancer, leaving patients heading out of the doctor’s office cancer-free after just five visits and with fewer of the common side effects, like poor bladder function or injury to the rectum.

It’s the biggest breakthrough in prostate cancer treatment in two decades.

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How does MRIdian technology work?

MRIdian is an MRI and radiation therapy machine in one that can precisely target prostate cancer in real-time …

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