
heart disease - search results

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Mayo Clinic Q and A: Leg pain? It may be your arteries

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm 52 years old and enjoy long walks with my husband and our dog. I recently started to experience pain in my...

So Many Days Lost at the Doctor’s Office

"The understanding that medical care can become a wearying treadmill for older patients has led researchers to look more closely at the consequences of so-called burdens of treatment."

Conditions That Affect Men and Women Differently

Heart Attack The telltale heart attack sign of feeling like there’s an elephant sitting on your chest isn’t as common in women as it is...

What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Drinking Alcohol

EAT THIS, NOT THAT! – From better sleep and mental clarity to healthier skin and improved liver function, giving up alcohol triggers a cascade...

Smoking one cigarette equals 20 minute off your life, study finds

Researchers stress that smokers must quit completely to rewind the negative impact on life expectancy.

What are seed oils and do they pose health risks? Here’s what to know

CBS News HealthWatch – Seed oils are making headlines, prompting fears around whether they can negatively affect your health. Earlier this week, a study published...

Which foods are ‘healthy’? FDA has new requirements for food labels

Some foods that could previously carry the healthy label — such as white bread and heavily sweetened cereal and yogurt — will no longer qualify.

A Centenarian Thrives Living Alone, Active and Engaged

KFF HEALTH NEWS – “The future is here,” the email announced. Hilda Jaffe, then 88, was letting her children know she planned to sell the...

Here’s what happens to your penis as you age

No, your penis doesn’t automatically change shape as you age. But you might notice other changes. 

How old is too old to be shoveling snow this winter?

USA TODAY – One of the most laborious chores related to the winter weather is snow shoveling. Though the task may just be another household...

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