
Many women around the world still face hygiene challenges

"Unfortunately, many women around the world still face challenges maintaining good hygiene practices ... "

NEWS 18 – Many women around the world still face challenges in accessing healthcare and maintaining good hygiene practices, which can lead to negative health outcomes and hinder progress towards gender equality.


Reducing the Spread of Disease

Good hygiene practices are critical in preventing the spread of disease, particularly in vulnerable populations such as women and children.

Basic hygiene practices such as handwashing, proper sanitation, and menstrual hygiene management can prevent the spread of infections, including sexually transmitted infections, urinary tract infections, and other illnesses.

Promoting Dignity and Well-being

Maintaining good hygiene practices is not only crucial for physical health but also for promoting dignity and well-being.

Women who lack access to clean water, sanitation, and menstrual hygiene products may experience shame, embarrassment, and social exclusion, which can have significant mental health impacts.

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“‘Nasty woman’ was a phrase used by 2016 US presidential candidate Donald Trump to refer to opponent Hillary Clinton during the third presidential debate.” – Wikipedia 

Conversely, promoting good hygiene practices can help women feel more confident, comfortable, and included in their communities.

Reducing Gender Inequality

Finally, promoting good hygiene practices is critical in addressing gender inequality. Women who lack access to basic hygiene resources are often unable to participate fully in education, work, and other aspects of daily life. By addressing these barriers and promoting access to hygiene resources, we can support women’s full participation in society and promote gender equality.


Despite the importance of women’s health and hygiene, many women still face significant barriers in accessing healthcare and hygiene resources. These barriers can include:

  • Lack of access to healthcare facilities and services
  • High cost of healthcare and hygiene products
  • Stigma and shame surrounding menstruation and other women’s health issues
  • Lack of education and information about hygiene practices
  • Cultural and societal norms that restrict women’s mobility and autonomy.

In conclusion, women’s health and hygiene play a crucial role in promoting the well-being and development of individuals, communities, and societies as a whole … READ MORE. 


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