
Hillary ‘Literally Sick’ Over Mere Thought Of Trump Reelection

Hillary Clinton/IMAGE: Bloomberg News via Youtube

“I don’t think he has any conscience. He’s obviously not a moral, truthful man.” |

Oct 26, 2020 | 

Headline USA – Hillary Clinton said the idea of President Donald Trump winning reelection makes her “literally sick” to her stomach.

“I can’t entertain the idea of him winning, so let’s just preface it by that,” the former Democratic presidential candidate told the New York Times’ Kara Swisher during a podcast episode released Monday:

“Because it makes me literally sick to my stomach to think that we’d have four more years of this abuse and destruction of our institutions, and damaging of our norms and our values, and lessening of our leadership, and the list goes on.”

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Swisher then asked Clinton if she thinks Trump would pursue her legally if he wins a second term. Clinton said: 

“There’s no doubt that he would do everything he could to attack and punish anyone who was, in his view, an adversary. And he would be aided and abetted, sadly, by both elected and appointed officials.”

Trump doesn’t have “any boundaries at all,” Clinton claimed”

“I don’t think he has any conscience. He’s obviously not a moral, truthful man. So he will do whatever he can to lift himself up.”

Clinton, who has scapegoated a litany of extenuating circumstances to explain her defeat, then attempted to resurrect discredited innuendo suggesting that Russia had interfered in the election to help Trump achieve his Electoral College landslide:

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“Remember, as I said, he lives with this specter of illegitimacy. 

“He knows more about how he got really elected than we still do. Hopefully, we’ll learn more in the years ahead.”

Recently declassified intelligence documents have shown that Clinton, herself, concocted the Russia narrative as a means of deflecting from the FBI investigation into her own email scandal.

That prompted then-CIA Director John Brennan to raise his concerns to then-President Barack Obama. But rather than address those concerns, the two instead leaned into the hoax and assisted the Clinton campaign in its efforts to promote the conspiracy.

Clinton also claimed, without evidence, that the majority of congressional Republicans don’t actually support Trump and want to see him booted out of office.

But instead of publicly opposing him, they’re “cowards, spineless enablers” of the president, she argued:

“Most Republicans are going to want to close the page. They want to see him gone as much as we do, but they can’t say it publicly.”

The failed nominee then argued that she would have handled the coronavirus pandemic better than Trump:

“I have no doubt, especially if it were me. I have no doubt. I mean, I was born for that,” Clinton said. | IMAGE: Screenshot: The Late Late Show with James Corden via YouTube


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