
Florida Cop’s Wife Dies After Being Locked In Squad Car

File photo, Miami Police SUV

Aug 26, 2020 | 

CNN – Clara Paulino, wife of a Miami police officer, died after being found unconscious in the back of her husband’s police SUV last week amid temperatures in the 90s.

Paulino was found by her son and her husband, police officer Aristides Paulino, a little after 5 p.m. Friday, Matt Reyes of the Miami Fraternal Order of Police told CNN.

“It is a tragic accident and has rocked the Paulino family to its core,” Reyes added.

Reyes said Paulino’s SUV has bars on the windows, has a cage that separates the back seat from the front seat and has doors that lock and can only be opened from the outside.

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Clara was effectively trapped in the back of the vehicle without her cell phone, Reyes said, and would have had no other way to let anyone know she was locked inside unless someone walked or drove by.

Aristides and Clara Paulino

Miami reached a high temperature of 92 degrees at 3:21 p.m.

“(Aristides) Paulino works midnights. He got home after his shift, went to sleep, woke up around 5 in the afternoon, was looking around the house for his wife, couldn’t find her,” Reyes said. “His son gets home, he helps him look for her … they subsequently find her in the backseat of his police car unconscious.”

Clara’s fingerprints were found all over the inside of the vehicle, he added.

It is unknown why Clara went inside her husband’s vehicle, Reyes said … Read more. 

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This incident is tragic, with many unanswered questions, such as whether the officer locked the vehicle when he parked it outside their home. If there’s one lesson here, it’s to not go anyplace without your phone because you simply do not know when a life-threatening incident is going to occur. Phones have many functions, none more important than being a potentially lifesaving device. – Headline Health


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