

Scientist who worked at Wuhan lab says COVID was man-made virus

Andrew Huff, who worked at EcoHealth Alliance from 2014 to 2016, said that the non-profit helped the Wuhan lab put together the “best existing methods to engineer bat coronaviruses to attack other species” for many years.

FDA likely to end blanket ban on sexually active gay men donating blood

CBS NEWS Research backed by the Food and Drug Administration "will likely support" ending a blanket ban on blood donations from sexually active gay men, the agency said Wednesday. The move would mark a significant reversal of a measure aimed at curbing the spread of HIV that experts and activists have long criticized as overly broad and misguided. Current federal rules prohibit blood banks from collecting donations from men who have had sex with men within...

A neuroscientist shares the 3 exercises she does to stop stress and anxiety—in ‘just a few minutes’

Tara Swart, Contributor CNBC – As a neuroscientist, I use three exercises that take just a few minutes to reset my nervous system and feel calm again: 1. The mindful sigh You should be sitting comfortably for this. I do it at my desk when I notice key symptoms of stress like shallow breathing, tense shoulders or an increased heart rate. Take a deep, long inhale through your nose for five seconds and hold. Take another quick...

FDA approves fecal slurry for unshakeable diarrhea

ARS TECHNICA – For the first time, the US Food and Drug Administration has granted approval for a feces-based microbial treatment, which is used to prevent a recurring diarrheal infection that can become life-threatening. The approval, announced Wednesday, is years in the making. Researchers have strained to harness the protective qualities of the complex, diverse, yet variable microbial communities found in healthy people's intestines and stool. Early on, rich fecal matter proved useful for restoring balance...

Meet the Man on a Mission to Expose Sneaky Price Increases

SOMERVILLE, Mass. — A few weeks ago, Edgar Dworsky got a promising tip by email. “Diluted cough syrup,” read the message, accompanied by a photo of two packages of syrup with a curious difference: The new one appeared to be half the strength of the old one. Mr. Dworsky gets emails like this frequently, alerting him to things like a bag of dog food that discreetly shrank from 50 pounds to 44 pounds. A cereal box...

McDonald’s and Walmart beef suppliers criticised for ‘reckless’ antibiotics use

Many US cattle farmers still routinely use antibiotics often for months on end. Their use – and overuse – risks enabling bacteria to develop resistance, meaning the drugs stop working.

San Francisco Hotels Demand City Compensate for Damage by Homeless

Breitbart News – San Francisco hotels are demanding millions of dollars from the city to compensate them for damage incurred while housing the homeless under a municipal government program launched during the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the program, known as “Shelter-in-Place” (SIP), hotels were used to move homeless people off the streets for fear of spreading the coronavirus in tent cities. Ironically, as COVID became better understood, officials began recommending against clearing homeless encampments, because the virus...

CDC to Spend $55M on More Tobacco Research

REAL CLEAR POLICY – The Division of Cancer Prevention and Control and the Office of Smoking and Health will give $40 million to “a consortium of population-specific, public health-oriented, national networks to impact tobacco-related and cancer health disparities among specific populations.” We already know that different populations of Americans smoke more than others — native Americans and some Hispanic communities have high rates of cigarette smoking, and Black smokers are much more likely to use...

‘Verified’ anti-vax accounts proliferate as Twitter struggles to police content

THE GUARDIAN – As the troubled social media platform Twitter rolled out a paid verification system and laid off thousands of content moderators, health misinformation accounts on the social network began pushing their messages to a wider audience than ever. Under Elon Musk’s new direction for Twitter, several anti-vaccine accounts with tens of thousands of followers are now verified by paying $7.99 a month for Twitter Blue. Social media sites have long struggled with misleading information...

WHO to rename ‘Monkeypox’ to ‘MPOX’ at Biden admin’s request

Fox News – The World Health Organization (WHO) is set to change the name of the monkeypox virus to "MPOX." The change in nomenclature is an attempt to destigmatize the virus at the behest of President Biden's administration, according to a report from Politico that cited three anonymous sources with knowledge of the matter. Sources said that senior Biden officials have consistently urged the WHO to make the name change and have threatened to adopt new...

Is Health Insurance Really Insurance Anymore?

Health insurance nowadays covers some completely foreseeable expenses. Is it really insurance at all anymore?

South Florida Man Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison for Sex Trafficking Offenses Against Minor Girls

Department of Justice | U.S. Attorney’s Office | Southern District of Florida FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | Friday, November 18, 2022 MIAMI — A 26-year-old Broward County man was sentenced today in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., by U.S. District Court Judge William P. Dimitrouleas to 30 years in prison and five years of supervised release for conspiring to traffic minor girls for commercial sex. On August 11, 2022, following a four-day trial, a federal jury found Kerby Brown Jr.,...

Colorado club shooting suspect is “nonbinary,” attorneys say

Accused mass murderer Anderson Lee Aldrich claims he is "nonbinary"  AXIOS – The public defenders for the suspect in the mass shooting at a Colorado Springs LGBTQ nightclub said in a Tuesday night court filing obtained by a New York Times reporter that their client is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns. The suspect, Anderson Lee Aldrich, 22, is facing multiple murder and hate crime charges over the shooting at Club Q last weekend that killed five...

Novel Vaccine Approach Halts Disease After 23 Years of Breast Cancer

MEDSCAPE – A woman who had breast cancer for 23 years, and who had gone through 12 different lines of therapy, has shown a dramatic response to a novel cancer vaccine in a clinical trial. A recent 6-month follow-up showed no evidence of new or recurrent disease, and scans showed regression of a distant bulky left adrenal metastasis, as well as at other sites. A small site of residual hypermetabolism remains in the sternum, but this...
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