

Airlines “Lose” Scores Of Donated Organs

“Any organ that’s wasted, in my opinion, is a loss to the patient and to the community.” – Paul Conway, American Association of Kidney Patients How Lifesaving Organs For Transplant Go Missing In Transit JoNel Aleccia February 10, 2020 Kaiser Health News –  When a human heart was left behind by mistake on a Southwest Airlines plane in 2018, transplant officials downplayed the incident. They emphasized that the organ was used for valves and tissues, not to save the...

Why Do New Disease Outbreaks Always Seem to Start in China?

"There's lots of livestock farming, particularly poultry and pigs, with limited sanitation and lax oversight." Feb 18, 2020 Real Clear Science – The Asian Flu in 1956 killed between one and four million people worldwide. SARS in 2002 infected 8,098 and killed 774 in seventeen counties. H7N9 emerged ten years later to strike at least 1,223 people and kill four out of every ten of them. Now, the milder, yet more infectious COVID-19 has sickened more than 70,000...

No-Nonsense Border Policy Helps Israel Avoid China Virus

Thais unhappy with Israel's entry ban over China virus |  Feb 20, 2020 | Bangkok, AP –The government of Thailand is scrambling to cope with new travel restrictions after Israel banned the citizens of Thailand and three other Asian countries and territories from entering over concerns about a new virus. Israel on Monday announced it was refusing entry to all foreign nationals who traveled to Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong and Macau during the past 14 days. Israeli...

Amy Grant, 59, Reveals Lifelong Health Condition

PLUS: Poor Sleep May Increase Heart Disease in Women | Feb 13, 2020 |  wincountry.com – Amy Grant is sharing a personal medical diagnosis in hopes that her fans will be inspired to take care of their heart health. The 59-year-old singer revealed she's undergone a battery of tests because of a family history of heart disease. Though she isn't currently ill, the checkup revealed that Amy has had a heart condition since birth. “The first good news is...

Sanders Again Refuses To Release Medical Records

Donald Trump holds the record of being the oldest president at the time of his first inauguration, taking office at 70 years and 220 days old.  But four of the top candidates in the field of Democrats could break his record: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, and Elizabeth Warren would be the oldest presidents ever on their first Inauguration Day. Sanders is the oldest; he would be 79 years and 134 days old...

Sen. Tom Cotton: Public Health Champion Or Conspiracy Monger?

Feb 18, 2020 | Fox News – Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark. stood by his earlier suggestion that the deadly coronavirus may have originated in a high-security biochemical lab in Wuhan, China, telling "The Story" Tuesday that we "need to be open to all possibilities" in exploring the origins of the outbreak that has sickened more than 75,000 people around the world. When host Martha MacCallum pressed the Senator on his startling and unverified claim, Cotton cited...

Coronavirus Getting Worse Or Better? Just Follow The Money

Wall Street's growing fear: Coronavirus "to get worse before it gets better" CBS NEWS – Concerns are growing on Wall Street that the coronavirus could cause serious economic damage beyond China, with analysts warning that the deadly outbreak is unlikely to recede anytime soon. "Consensus is that this coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) is going to get worse before it gets better," Raymond James analysts said Tuesday in note to investors. "It seems as though the market is...

State Rep With Spouse Abuse Record Seeks Forced Men’s Sterilization

In retort to abortion ban, lawmaker calls for mass vasectomies | Montgomery AL (AP) – An Alabama lawmaker fed up with her colleagues' attempts to outlaw abortion has filed legislation to require all men over 50 to get vasectomies. Democratic Rep. Rolanda Hollis said Friday that she introduced the bill to send "the message that men should not be legislating what women do with their bodies." Alabama lawmakers last year approved a ban on abortion unless the...

Bernie Madoff: ‘I’m Dying, Set Me Free’

Career criminal reportedly admitted to prison hospice February 5, 2020 New York, CNN Business – Bernard Madoff says he is dying and is asking a judge for compassionate release from prison, where he is serving 150 years for orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, according to a Wednesday federal court filing. Madoff, 81, has terminal kidney failure and a life expectancy of less than 18 months, according to the filing. He was arrested in December 2008 on...

Poll: Hunter Biden’s Burisma Job Was Wrong; How About Getting Stripper Pregnant?

"Fatherless children are much more likely to do poorly in school, act out, abuse drugs, and commit crimes." Polls says Hunter Biden's job at Burisma was 'inappropriate', but didn't ask about his being a millionaire deadbeat dad  The Hill – A new poll found a majority of respondents classified former Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden's job at Burisma as "inappropriate." A Politico/Morning Consult poll found 52 percent of participants found the fact that Hunter Biden...

Is A Raw Food Diet Safe For Your Pet?

"The trend of finding Salmonella infantis in poultry products is increasing, according to researchers." – Food Safety News, Dec 3, 2019 FDA alert warns of Salmonella in raw pet food February 14, 2020 Food Safety News – The FDA is cautioning pet owners not to feed their pet’s certain Aunt Jeni’s Home Made frozen raw pet food “as it poses a serious threat to consumer and animal health” because of Salmonella Infantis contamination. The Salmonella was discovered in January when the FDA collected one retail...

Bernie Fans Can’t Stop Laughing At Topless Vegan Protestors

Feb 16, 2020 Protesters calling for Sen. Bernie Sanders to cut his support for the dairy industry crashed his Nevada rally on Sunday. One protester grabbed a microphone to say she was Sanders' "biggest supporter" but pleaded that he "stop pumping up the dairy industry." While she was speaking, three topless women took the stage with "let dairy die" written on their chests. Business Insider – Topless protesters crashed the stage at a...

WHO Chief Accuses Concerned Public Of ‘Stigma, Hate’

“We must stop stigma and hate. It’s easy to blame, it’s easy to politicize, it’s harder to tackle a problem together and find solutions together. We will all learn lessons from this outbreak, but now is not the time for reclamations or politicization.” Coronavirus live updates: WHO calls on leaders to ‘stop stigma and hate’ amid reports of discrimination Feb 15, 2020 Chinese officials on Saturday reported 2,641 new coronavirus cases and 143 additional deaths in...

Local Health Officials Declare First Coronavirus Emergency in US

San Diego County declares local health emergency to aid coronavirus response – while simultaneously insisting public is not at risk | Feb. 14, 2020 Los Angeles Times – Looking to increase funding for local quarantine operations connected to novel coronavirus, San Diego county public health officials declared health and local emergencies Friday afternoon. The action, which must be ratified by the county supervisors on Feb. 19, is similar to one taken by the Santa Clara County Board...
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