

Pandemic Pushes Divorce Rate Up

WebMD – The coronavirus pandemic is straining many marriages -- some to the breaking point. There are signs that the divorce rate is rising as couples struggle with the emotional and economic fallout of the past 11 months. Divorce filings rose dramatically in China after the COVID lockdown ended there in March. In the U.S., sales of online self-help divorce agreements rose by 34% this spring compared to last year, and family lawyers surveyed in...

McDonald’s Finally Gives Up On These Failed Menu Items

"Killing salads and other less popular, healthy items has helped McDonald's speed up drive-thru times by nearly 30 seconds over the past year." Business Insider – In 2020, McDonald's gave up pretending to be healthy. The McWrap disappeared back in 2016. Then, in late March, McDonald's announced it was slashing less popular menu items, including salads, grilled chicken, and yogurt. The change was supposed to be a temporary move during the pandemic, but nine months later...

PA Gov. Tests Positive For Covid

Dec 9, 2020 POLITICO – Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf tested positive for Covid-19 on Tuesday, though he said he does not have symptoms and will continue to work. Wolf announced his diagnosis in a tweet Wednesday, in which he said he had tested positive during a routine Covid test. Wolf is isolating at home according to guidelines by the Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. His wife, Frances, was also tested for the disease...

GOP Rep. Elected Speaker, Dies Of COVID A Week Later

Concord, NH (CBS) – Longtime New Hampshire State Rep. Richard “Dick” Hinch died suddenly Wednesday, just a week after being elected Speaker of the House. UPDATE: AP – An autopsy determined that the cause of Hinch's death was COVID-19.  Seventy-one-year-old Hinch, a Republican from Merrimack, was elected to his seventh term as a state representative in November. He had previously served as House Republican Leader (2018-2020), and House Majority Leader (2015-2018). New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu said he...

What To Do If You Have COVID Plus OCD

Self care for those with obsessive-compulsive disorder during COVID-19 | "A soft blanket or stuffed animal" can be a successful self-care strategy for COVIC/OCD sufferers – International OCD Foundation Be gentle with yourself, and with those around you. Times of high stress can bring out both the best and the worst in people — it’s wonderful when it brings out the best, but it’s completely natural and understandable when it brings out the worst. It’s OK if...

Chuck Yeager Dies On Pearl Harbor Day

"Living to a ripe old age is not an end in itself. The trick is to enjoy the years remaining." – Chuck Yeager Chuck Yeager, 1st to break sound barrier, dies at 97 Shot down 13 German planes on 64 WWII missions, including five on a single mission Dec 08, 2020 The Associated Press – Retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Charles "Chuck" Yeager, the World War II fighter pilot ace and quintessential test pilot who showed he had the...

Kamala’s Radical Plan For Your Health Care

Kamala is no moderate on health care | First published October 7 ... worth a fresh look as January 20 draws near   | OPINION, Fox Business – On the same day last month both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris suffered the same revealing slip of the tongue. They each referred to the coming "Harris-Biden administration." There’s no mistaking that Harris has openly assumed the role of heir-apparent to Biden. The 78-years-old former vice president is bound to be...

1,061 Immigrant Children In US Custody Tested Covid Positive

Dec 4, 2020 CNN – There have been 1,061 lab-confirmed Covid-19 cases among unaccompanied migrant children in the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, a federal agency run by the Department of Health and Human Services. Of the 1,061 cases, 943 children have recovered and been moved from medical isolation, according to the agency. Currently, 118 children have tested positive and remain in medical isolation, though none of the children have required hospitalization. The latest figures are an...

Truck Drivers Want To Be First In Line For Covid Vaccine

Truck drivers could be among first to get COVID vaccine Nov 30, 2020 TTNews – Truck drivers and other workers in critical and essential jobs could be among the earliest people to receive COVID-19 vaccinations as several major pharmaceutical companies begin working with large transportation firms to deliver the vaccines. Distribution efforts, dubbed Operation Warp Speed, could start as early as mid-December, according to a committee within the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As...

Blood-Infecting CRAB Superbug Overruns NJ ICUs

"The coronavirus can overwhelm a hospital, straining care and leaving patients vulnerable to other unwanted outcomes." Dec 1, 2020 NBC News – As a New Jersey hospital faced a surge of Covid-19 cases in the spring, another deadly foe was quietly spreading among its patients: a drug-resistant bacterial infection. The superbug outbreak, detailed in a report published Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shows how the coronavirus can overwhelm a hospital, straining care...

$1,500 Penalty For Covid Vaccine Refusers?

No government shot, no government check, says failed presidential candidate | Dec 3, 2020 | CNBC – Americans are eager for more one-time stimulus checks, while the U.S. government is working to get Covid-19 vaccinations to the American public. Now, one proposal from former congressman John Delaney aims to help both sides by providing stimulus checks in exchange for getting vaccinated. The goal: to reach a 75% vaccination rate faster, which could save both lives and the U.S....

Fauci Scores A Big Promotion From Biden

Biden asks Fauci to become his chief medical adviser PLUS: Fauci apologizes for suggesting U.K. rushed vaccine Dec 4, 2020 USA TODAY – Joe Biden told CNN on Thursday that he asked Dr. Anthony Fauci to become his chief medical adviser and part of his Covid-19 response team. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has been a top official dealing with the pandemic. But President Donald Trump sidelined him at points during the...

Covid Pain Mounts In McConnell’s Home State

In Mitch McConnell's home state, anxiety is rising along with deaths, infections and hospitalizations | Dec 04, 2020 LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — Paula and Anthony Hunter spun off their catering service into a restaurant serving Italian food with a "touch of soul" right before the coronavirus hit. Soon, both Louisville businesses slammed to a halt, and the couple relied on federal relief to help stay afloat. They improvised to keep income flowing in, navigating a maze of...

Longtime Confidante Says Clinton Visited Epstein’s Island, Likens Bill’s World To A ‘Cult’

Dec 2, 2020 Fox News – Doug Band, who served as Clinton's right-hand man for years after he left the White House, told Vanity Fair the 42nd president visited Little St. James, the Caribbean island where Epstein allegedly trafficked underage victims. Clinton has denied visiting Epstein's island, and a spokesperson provided the outlet with "detailed travelogue entries of the period in question that did not contain a visit." Epstein's death last year sent shockwaves through the media...
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