
Victorian Pharmacy Frozen in Time for 80 Years Gets Uncovered—Here’s What Was Hidden Inside

THE EPOCH TIMES – William White’s Chemist Shop operated from 1880 until his death in 1909 but lay untouched and unknown for decades.

William White’s son Charles was unqualified to dispense drugs so boarded up the store when his father died.

The presence of the sealed room was only revealed after the death of the last of Mr. White’s granddaughters, Margaret, and the subsequent sale of the property in South Petherton, Somerset, England, in 1987.

At that time, it had been entombed for 80 years.

As the 107-year occupancy by the White family came to an end, the locked door was opened to reveal the hidden store, frozen in time exactly as Mr. White had left it.

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Upon hearing of the incredible discovery, Flambards Theme Park in Cornwall rescued the shop and began the painstaking task of numbering and charting thousands of artifacts.

Flambards said they have since fully rebuilt the store in its new home inside the theme park, and “reassembled every medicine bottle, apothecary jar, quartz carboy, demijohn, and pill dispenser in exactly the same positions they were found in—cobwebs and all.”

The shop’s last owner, Margaret White, closed the store in 1971.

But when the auctioneer went to have a look around, ahead of the sale, they discovered the back half of the shop entirely sealed off …


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