
Adult depression, poor emotional and physical well-being: America’s unhealthiest states

West Virginia ranked as the unhappiest and unhealthiest state in the country. PLUS: How did Ohio make it onto the list of ten most unhealthy states?

CBS NEWS – West Virginia was recently named the unhappiest state in the US because of its troublesome rate of adult depression, poor emotional and physical well-being, lackluster work environment and inadequate sleep, according to WalletHub.

Top 10 least healthy states in the US

    1. West Virginia
    2. Kentucky
    3. Louisiana
    4. Alabama
    5. Mississippi
    6. Arkansas
    7. Oklahoma
    8. Tennessee
    9. Missouri
    10. Ohio

New York ranked No. 23 in the Lighthouse study because of its higher obesity rates, poor physical activity, smoking prevalence and abundance of chronic diseases.

The study comes as two-thirds of Americans 65 and older wish they’d taken their health more seriously when they were younger, according to research conducted by OnePoll for ClearMatch Medicare.

“Many seniors have expressed regrets about not prioritizing their health in their younger years. However, the data unequivocally demonstrates that it’s never too late to start,” said Ben Pajak, CEO of ClearMatch Medicare, a part of HealthPlanOne …


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Deaths among working-age Ohioans still much higher than 15 years ago

October 06, 2023

Health Policy Institute of Ohio – Working-age Ohioans are dying at a much higher rate than they were 15 years ago, despite a drop in deaths in 2022 as the state emerged from the pandemic.

The analysis, which is compiled in a new data snapshot, “Death Trends among Working-age Ohioans,” found that the number of deaths among working-age Ohioans increased 32% from 2007 to 2022, from 25,885 to 34,146, as illustrated above.

If the annual number of deaths had remained constant since 2007, 66,637 fewer working-age Ohioans would have died.

“These mostly preventable deaths have a tremendous impact on Ohio families, communities and society,” according to the data snapshot. “In addition, the loss of a large number of working-age adults negatively affects Ohio’s economy and businesses.”

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The leading cause of death for working-age adults remains unintentional injuries, which included unintentional drug overdoses and motor vehicle crashes.

“Unintentional drug overdose deaths continue to play a major role in Ohio’s increased death rate, accounting for 14% of all deaths among Ohioans ages 15-64 in 2022,” the analysis found.



“Public Health Ranking: #42” – US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT Best States Rankings

“Columbus, Ohio, topped IQAir’s list for major US cities with the worst air pollution in 2022.” – CNN, March 14, 2023

“Five Ohioans die by suicide every day.” – Ohio Department of Health, May 12, 2023

“There is good reason for the level of alarm that is evident in the [East Palestine] community. It is vital that there be transparency with respect to what has been tested, what those results show, what measures are being taken to return the homes, yards, streets, soils, and waterways to normal conditions, and how public health will be surveilled going forward.” – Yale School of Medicine, Feb 2023


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