
Vaccine Overdose Puts Woman In Emergency Room For 24 Hours

Distracted nurse gives woman 6 doses of COVID vaccine in a single shot

CBS NEWS, Rome — A 23-year-old Italian woman who was mistakenly given six doses of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine all at once was released from a hospital on Monday without having suffered any apparent adverse reactions, local health authorities said.

The patient was kept under observation for approximately 24 hours in the hospital’s emergency room.

Doctors said she was given fluids, and anti-inflammatory and fever medications as preventative measures.

“This person at this time will certainly not have side effects,” said Dr. Antonella Vicenti, director of infectious diseases at Noa Hospital.

“The patient did not have fever and did not have any pain except for pain at the inoculation site, nor any other manifestations,” said Vincenti.

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“She was a bit frightened, thus we preferred to keep her here until this morning.”

Vincenti said it remained to be seen what long-term effects, if any, the overdose might have on the young woman’s antibody levels, and thus her immune response to the coronavirus.

She said the hospital would test her blood regularly to monitor her immune response and determine whether she should still get the scheduled second dose after a number of weeks.

Dr. Tommaso Bellandi, director of patient security for the northwest Tuscany health authority, said the accident occurred because the nurse had an attention lapse.

Bellandi said the nurse and the attending doctor were “heartbroken” at what had occurred, and a psychologist described them as “traumatized” by the event … Click here to read more. 

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Most unvaccinated US adults don’t want the shot

Elinor Aspegren and John Bacon, May 11, 2021

USA TODAY – Vaccine hesitancy has become the predominant mindset of Americans who have not yet been inoculated, making the drive for herd immunity ever more elusive.

Just 11% of American adults who remain unvaccinated say they definitely will get the shot, while 34% say they definitely won’t, according to a new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Another 27% say they probably will and 27% say they probably won’t.

The vaccination rush has slowed, and President Joe Biden is meeting virtually with six governors today to discuss how to revive momentum.

Biden wants 70% of Americans vaccinated by the 4th of July. That’s about what some experts say is needed to get the pandemic under control. Right now less than half of Americans had received at least one shot … Click here to read more. 

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