
Unvaccinated People Want Love, Too

How anti-vaxxers are living and loving in a Covid world

BBC – During the pandemic, an international movement opposed to Covid-19 vaccines and restrictions has grown on social media, often muddled with conspiracy theories and dangerous falsehoods.

Now some committed activists are pursuing a new direction – organising online dating, house shares and possibly even blood banks just for the unvaccinated.

“I mean, I’m not at that stage yet. I quite like the coffee shop and having my flat white,” [flat white?? no clue – HH]  Michele explains, her blonde hair dancing in the blustery sea breeze as we sit by the beach in Brighton. 

“But if the time comes, I’ll give it all up.”

She’s not talking about quitting caffeine or giving up on chocolate. Michele is contemplating opting out of mainstream society altogether – because of her opposition to the Covid-19 vaccines.

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“Many in these groups share a belief that the coronavirus pandemic has been concocted by a shadowy global elite for sinister purposes.”

“It’s going to be like the people you see in the movies living on the other side of the city wall,” she laughs.

Michele is a leader of her local “freedom community” – which opposes Covid vaccines, lockdowns and other restrictions.

She’s also a landlord and has joined an online house share group set up for like-minded individuals.

It’s one of a number of similar networks that we’ve discovered online. They are hubs of conversation punctuated with videos and posts containing dangerously misleading and unfounded claims about Covid jabs.

Many in these groups share a belief that the coronavirus pandemic has been concocted by a shadowy global elite for sinister purposes.

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“Activists are trying to establish elements of a parallel culture as an alternative to vaccinated society.”

Concerns about vaccines – including totally unfounded beliefs that simply being near a vaccinated person can make you ill – are driving them to try to build online and offline communities away from the mainstream.

Activists are trying to establish elements of a parallel culture as an alternative to vaccinated society.

In Michele’s case she’s looking to rent one of the rooms in her property to someone who is unvaccinated … READ MORE. 

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