
Trump Endorses Dr. Oz for US Senate

PLUS: "Dr. Oz has long pushed misleading, science-free and unproven alternative therapies..."

FOX NEWS – Former President Trump has endorsed Dr. Mehmet Oz for the U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania, a Saturday announcement states.

“President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Dr. Oz,” a tweet from Trump’s spokesperson states.

“The Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has a tremendous opportunity to Save America by electing the brilliant and well-known Dr. Mehmet Oz for the United States Senate,” a statement from Trump says.

“I have known Dr. Oz for many years, as have many others, even if only through his very successful television show. He has lived with us through the screen and has always been popular, respected, and smart.”

Mehmet Oz, celebrity physician and U.S. Republican Senate candidate for Pennsylvania, center, speaks during the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida, Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022.

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“Indeed, as Senator Oz, it’s all but guaranteed he would bring pseudoscience to the table when crafting and voting on legislation that affects the health and welfare of Americans.” – Timothy Caulfield, University of Alberta

Trump also said that Oz is “very strong” on issues such as abortion and tax cuts.

“Dr. Oz is Pro-Life, very strong on Crime, the Border, Election Fraud, our Great Military, and our vets, Tax Cuts, and will always fight for and support our under-siege Second Amendment. He will ensure America will become Energy Independent again,” Trump said.

Oz responded to Trump’s endorsement in a statement on Saturday, saying that he’s proud to receive his endorsement … READ MORE 

Dr. Oz Shouldn’t Be a Senator—or a Doctor

His brand of misinformation has already tarnished medicine. In the halls of Congress, he’d do much worse

By Timothy Caulfield, University of Alberta, December 15, 2021

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN – While holding a medical license, Mehmet Oz, widely known as Dr. Oz, has long pushed misleading, science-free and unproven alternative therapies such as homeopathy, as well as fad diets, detoxes and cleanses.

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Some of these things have been potentially harmful, including hydroxychloroquine, which he once touted would be beneficial in the treatment or prevention of COVID. This assertion has been thoroughly debunked.

“His candidacy is a reminder that tolerating and/or enabling celebrity pseudoscience can have serious and enduring consequences.”

He’s built a tremendous following around his lucrative but evidence-free advice. So, are we surprised that Oz is running as a Republican for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania? No, we are not. Misinformation-spouting celebrities seem to be a GOP favorite. This move is very on brand for both Oz and the Republican Party.

Much of Oz’s advice was bunk before the pandemic, it is bunk now, and there is no reason to assume it won’t be bunk after—even if he becomes Senator Oz.

Indeed, as Senator Oz, it’s all but guaranteed he would bring pseudoscience to the table when crafting and voting on legislation that affects the health and welfare of Americans.

As viewed by someone who researches the spread of health misinformation, Oz’s candidacy remains deeply grating in that “of course he is” kind of way.

But it is also an opportunity to highlight several realities about pseudoscience, celebrity physicians and the current regulatory environment that allows people like him to continue to call themselves doctor … READ MORE. 


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