
Snickers owner apologises after referring to Taiwan as a country

B' bye, Snickers. American consumers reject confection after manufacturer offers "deep apologies" to brutal Maoist regime

Beijing (AFP) – American candy giant Mars Wrigley has insisted it “respects China’s national sovereignty” and apologised after an advert for its Snickers bar referred to Taiwan as a country, sparking outrage on the mainland. [Mars Wrigley is the same food conglomerate that ‘canceled’ Uncle Ben’s Converted Rice in 2020 in response to Black Lives Matters race hustling. – HH]

Screenshots of marketing for the nutty confectionery featuring the South Korean boyband BTS were swiftly picked up on social media in mainland China, where any suggestion the island is an independent nation is highly taboo.

“We are aware of reports on Snickers-related activities in certain regions of Asia, take this very seriously and express our deep apologies,” said a Mars Wrigley statement posted Friday on Snickers China’s Weibo page.

The company has asked Snickers’ local team to check and adjust its official website and social media account “to ensure the company’s publicity content is accurate”, it added.

“Mars Wrigley respects China’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and conducts business operations in strict compliance with local Chinese laws and regulations,” the statement said.

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“Snickers fans are threatening to boycott the chocolate bar after its parent company Mars Wrigley apologised to China for calling Taiwan a country in a recent new product promotion.” – News.com.au

Hours after the first statement, Snickers China shared another Weibo post adding that “there is only one China in this world, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory”.

Beijing reacted with fury this week when US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defied its warnings … READ MORE. 

“F*** Snickers, Taiwan is a sovereign country.”

American Consumers React To Woke Snickers 

Reddit users have made their thoughts very clear about Mars Wrigley’s “deep apologies” to one of the world’s most brutal regimes …

“New and Improved Snickers, now with no nuts!” 

“Someone get them a snickers, it’s hard to have a backbone when you’re hungry.”

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“No other people in this century except Soviet citizens have suffered so much mass killing in cold blood as have the Chinese.” – CHINA’S BLOODY CENTURY, R.J. Rummel

“When are they changing the wrapper colors to red and yellow?”

“They can f*** right off if I’m ever eating one as long as I remember this story. You’re a U.S. based company, start acting like it … “

“All these companies catering to china are just putting a noose around their necks. Eventually their capitulations to the Chinese government won’t be enough to justify them existing in China.”

“How dare Snickers face the reality that Taiwan issues passports, prints money, has stamps has it’s unique [top-level domain] and conducts international business without the oversight, guidance or authority of the People’s Republic of China.”

“The only reason any of this is an issue is because the Chinese Communist Party only succeeded in taking over mainland China in 1949 after the Chinese Civil War. They’re still mad that they weren’t able to take over Taiwan as well, and that’s why they’re demanding that the rest of the world pretend that they control Taiwan. It’s only because of China’s economic status (and their military power, which is directly related to their economy) that the rest of the world plays along with this.”

“F*** Snickers, Taiwan is a sovereign country.”



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