
Reba McEntire addresses faulty COVID-19 test, reveals what really happened


When Reba McEntire revealed both she and her boyfriend, Rex Linn, had caught the [coronavirus] she said:

“Stay home. Just stay safe. Stay healthy. It’s not fun to get this. I did get it. Rex and I got it and it’s not fun. You don’t feel good.”

However, soon afterward Reba opened up about her illness and said it wasn’t actually coronavirus and it turned out to be a different respiratory virus.

Reba revealed:

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“I did say that I had COVID but when I got tested my antibodies — it came up that I had not had COVID.”

Despite originally getting a positive test, she believed it was a false positive.

“I had my antibodies from my vaccine,” she explained.

“So I had all the symptoms, so I was kinda probably — I did get tested, you know the test that I had and it said that I had it but then the nurse that came and tested me for my antibodies said that I probably had the RSV virus.”

Reba and her boyfriend thought they had COVID-19 … READ MORE. 

ICYMI: FDA: Take 3 home tests if exposed to COVID to boost accuracy

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