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Unvaccinated Covid Patients Overwhelm Colorado Hospitals

NBC NEWS – Hospitals in Colorado are being allowed to turn away patients as the state experiences its worst Covid surge in a year. An...

Unvaccinated May Face Steep Financial Penalties

New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority no longer pays a $500,000 death benefit to the families of subway, bus and commuter rail workers who die of covid if the workers were unvaccinated at the time of death. Other employers have similar concerns about providing death or other benefits to employees who refuse to be vaccinated.

400 Inmates, One Guard

Staff shortages have long been a challenge for prison agencies, given the low pay and grueling nature of the work. But the coronavirus pandemic — and its impact on the labor market — has pushed many corrections systems into crisis.

Pharma Campaign Cash Delivered to Key Lawmakers With Surgical Precision

Kaiser Health News – The Biden administration and Congress are embroiled in high-stakes haggling over what urgent priorities will make it into the ever-shrinking...

Vaccine Mandates Create Conflict With Defiant Workers

Defiant workers make up a small fraction of the overall workforce, with many cities, states and businesses reporting that more than 9 out of 10 of their workers are complying with mandates. But they have the potential to create disruptions in a tight labor market and have become the latest roadblock in overcoming the vaccine hesitancy that allowed the COVID-19 crisis to take a devastating turn over the summer.

Violence Against Healthcare Workers Is Real

Hospital executives were already attuned to workplace violence before the pandemic struck. But stresses from covid have exacerbated the problem, they say, prompting increased security, de-escalation training and pleas for civility. And while many hospitals work to address the issue on their own, nurses and other workers are pushing federal legislation to create enforceable standards nationwide.

Not My Commander-In-Chief: Troops Openly Defy Biden Mandate

Hundreds of thousands of troops have not yet complied with vaccine mandate as deadlines near.

Fauci Reveals He Has PTSD

BUSINESS INSIDER – In a new documentary, Dr. Anthony Fauci reveals he has PTSD from the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Fauci helped treat AIDS patients and oversaw...

“F— Joe Biden”: Protestors Line Presidential Motorcade Route

FOX NEWS – President Biden traveled to Michigan on Tuesday to promote his stalling "Build Back Better" agenda – but found an angry group...

Governors Have Big Plans For Covid Cash

The federal aid package provided $350 billion to states, counties, towns and tribes. It was billed as money for fighting the coronavirus, and the effects of the pandemic. But the money came with more flexibility than most federal funding and a longer deadline for spending it.

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