
“F— Joe Biden”: Protestors Line Presidential Motorcade Route

Protesters spoke about the migrant crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, vaccination mandates, and the multi-trillion dollar spending package as reasons for opposing Biden.

FOX NEWS – President Biden traveled to Michigan on Tuesday to promote his stalling “Build Back Better” agenda – but found an angry group of protesters waiting for him not far from the site where he delivered his speech.

Those opposing Biden in Howell numbered about 500, the Detroit Free Press reported, with many participating in profane chants against the president.

At one point, the protesters cheered when a green front-end loader with a “No Biden” sign traveled down the road, according to the newspaper.

Another sign in the crowd read, “Build Back Broke,” the Detroit News reported.

Many in the crowd told FOX 2 of Detroit that they didn’t like the size of the Democrats’ proposed $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill or the $3.5 trillion so-called reconciliation bill of safety-net spending that most members of Biden’s party hope to pass as a package.

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“The money has to come from somewhere. You can’t keep printing it.”— Londa Gatt, anti-Biden protester

The protesters also spoke about the migrant crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border as well as vaccination mandates as reasons for opposing Biden.

“I think this is reflective of how upset people in everyday America are, when you leave the Washington bubble, about the spending going on in Washington, D.C.,” Meghan Reckling, chair of the Livingston County Republicans in Michigan, told FOX 2 about the turnout of protesters.

Some in the crowd of protesters were asked for their theories on why Biden chose to speak in Howell.

“The easy answer is, he is probably trying to boost Slotkin and give her some props,” Meshawn Maddock, co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party, told FOX 2, referring to Democratic U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin, who will be up for reelection in 2022. “I think it is a clear indication of where Slotkin is going to be on this (infrastructure) vote.”

“Slotkin is not the moderate she said she was,” Republican Paul Junge, Slotkin’s 2020 opponent, said at the demonstration, according to the Detroit News. “The people of this district are going to see it and vote her out. I intend to be that alternative.”

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“I think this is reflective of how upset people in everyday America are, when you leave the Washington bubble, about the spending going on in Washington, D.C.” — Meghan Reckling, Livingston County Republicans

“Sleepy Joe thinks that this is sleepy little Howell and it’s not,” protester Jackie Ludwig told the Detroit News … READ MORE. 

Protestors line M-59/Highland Road in Howell, Michigan hours in advance of a speaking appearance by President Joe Biden on Tuesday, October 5, 2021.

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