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Public Libraries: Magnets for Drug Abuse

WHYY –  Philadelphia health officials unveiled on Tuesday an innovative way to give out the overdose-reversal drug naloxone: a vending machine. The program, dubbed Narcan...

‘Lockdowns Had Little to No Effect on COVID Mortality’: New Johns Hopkins Study

FOUNDATION FOR ECONOMIC EDUCATION – We’re into year three of the COVID-19 pandemic. From mask mandates to vaccine passports, government restrictions on our liberties...

State Lawmakers Seek To Curb COVID-19 Restrictions

PLUS: State to sell COVID-19 tests at liquor stores (The Center Square) – New Hampshire lawmakers are considering bills to prevent local governments from imposing...

Omicron Drives US Deaths Higher

AP – Omicron, the highly contagious coronavirus variant sweeping across the country, is driving the daily American death toll higher than during last fall’s...


Effective home remedies for what ails us are essential to the management and preservation of our personal health; the search for what works best for you should be life-long. Here, HEADLINE HEALTH reviews the use of ivermectin, HCQ, vitamin and mineral supplements, over-the-counter remedies, and other potential avenues for treating COVID-19 without relying on medical intervention alone.

Common Cold Can Protect Against COVID-19: Study

LONDON, Jan 10 (Reuters) - High levels of T-cells from common cold coronaviruses can provide protection against COVID-19, which could inform approaches for second-generation...

Mayo Clinic Just Fired 700 Unvaccinated Workers

Mayo Clinic fired roughly 700 employees who failed to comply with the nonprofit medical center's mandatory Covid-19 vaccination policy.

People Should ‘Avoid Cruise Travel, Regardless Of Vaccination Status’: CDC

The CDC on Thursday advised people against going on cruises regardless of their vaccination status after a recent surge in positive Covid cases onboard ships as the highly contagious omicron variant sweeps the world.

Covid Cure: Benadryl and Milk?

ONERESEARCH.ORG – Researchers looking for prevention and treatment strategies for COVID-19 that are not impacted by SARS-CoV-2 mutations published findings in Pathogens.  Findings showed...

What Fauci Gets Wrong About ‘Science’

Let’s put the weasel words aside and recognize that what Dr. Fauci wants you to believe – that all his official policy recommendations were firmly proven effective through application of the scientific method – is demonstrably false. The most rigorous, most scientific studies show precisely the opposite.

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