
Leftists Love The Pandemic And Want You To Learn To Love It, Too

OPINION | AUGUST 18, 2021 By Eddie Scarry

THE FEDERALIST – Getting through the pandemic would mean going back to normal, which is something Democrats and the media only sometimes pretend to wish for. Most of the time, though, they’re practically cheering on the new coronavirus.

More spread means more mandates and there’s nothing liberals love more than a good government mandate (except calling white people “racist,” their first love).

And this is why the New York Times opinion page has become the place for a steady stream of peppy pieces on how great masks, restrictions and higher prices really are.

To wit, the paper ran a column on Wednesday looking at all the upsides of making children cover half their faces in schools.

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“The pandemic has become a religion for these people”

Judith Danovitch, a professor at the University of Louisville wrote:

“Wearing a mask can also help teach children to pay more attention to their own bodies and physical behaviors.” 

“Keeping a mask on over the course of a school day involves the kind of self-control and self-regulation that many children find challenging. Younger children must inhibit the urge to pull off their mask, and older children must be mindful of when their mask is slipping down or when it’s OK to take it off.”

See that, moms and dads? It’s not just a mask. It’s an educational tool!

Last week the Times ran a separate piece authored by a restaurant owner actually encouraging people to eat out less and at the same time, welcome higher menu prices.

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Peter Hoffman wrote:

“Adjusting to the price of better work cultures will be difficult for many.

“But dining out less isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Treating a restaurant meal as a special occasion rather than a frequent convenience may represent a quality of life improvement for all.”

The pandemic has become a religion for these people … READ MORE. 

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