
Joe Biden’s Mental Decline Can No Longer Be Ignored

INSIDER – President Joe Biden accidentally flashed a cue card at a White House meeting on Thursday, offering a glimpse of simple instructions for the process of the meeting.

Biden gave remarks in the Roosevelt Room to a gathering of state governors about a partnership with 11 states to speed up the growth of the offshore wind industry and its domestic supply chain in the US.

The photographer documenting the event captured one of the documents Biden used during the meeting: a cue card titled “The President” with the title of the event and bullet-pointed instructions seemingly for Biden.

A photo of the list, which is somewhat blurry, can be seen below:

The full list of instructions reads:

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  • “YOU enter the Roosevelt Room and say hello to participants.”
  • “YOU take YOUR seat. “
  • “Press enters.”
  • “YOU give brief comments” — this note was partially blocked by Biden’s finger.
    “Press departs.”
  • “YOU ask Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO, a question. Note: Liz is joining virtually.”
  • “YOU thank participants.”
  • “YOU depart.”

It’s not unusual for a leader’s press team to produce a memorandum of events, including instructions for the speaker.

The White House press office did not immediately respond to Insider’s request for comment early on Friday.

But the simplicity of the instructions — which included “YOU depart” at the end — caused speculative comments among Biden’s political opponents, including Stephen Miller, a far-right former presidential advisor.

Right-wing news outlets also treated Biden being seen with such a list as a serious gaffe, with top figures at The Daily Caller, The Daily Wire, and the satire site The Babylon Bee commenting on it.


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