FOX NEWS – Hillary Clinton said Friday that the U.S. is comparable to Afghanistan and Sudan when it comes to abortion rights due to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
“It’s so shocking to think that in any way we’re related to poor Afghanistan and Sudan,” she said Friday at the Women’s Voices Summit at the Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock, Arkansas.
“But as an advanced economy as we allegedly are, on this measure, we unfortunately are rightly put with them.”
FAVORITE “SHITHOLE” COUNTRIES: “The country of South Sudan” –
Sudan’s Islamist state bans abortion except for when a woman was raped or her life is in danger. Afghanistan’s Islamist state bans abortion except for when the mother’s life in danger.
States across the U.S. are allowed to impose their own rules on abortion, and while some have put in place sharp limits on abortion, many others allow abortion up through a certain number of weeks of pregnancy. Clinton suggested limits on abortion are undemocratic.
Afghanistan: “the obstreperous, Central Asian shithole extraordinaire.” – Seth Barron, The Claremont Institute
“This struggle is between autocracy and democracy from our country to places we can’t even believe we’re being compared to,” Clinton said …