
Florida State Health Agency Issues Report Challenging Science of Transgenderism

Demonstrators take part in a march to mark International Transgender Day of Visibility in Lisbon, Thursday, March 31, 2022. (AP Photo/Armando Franca)

BREITBART Exclusive – The State of Florida is set to issue a formal report questioning the science behind “gender-affirming” care for people who believe they are transgender.

Breitbart News exclusively obtained a 45-page report on Thursday completed by Florida Medicaid and requested by the Secretary of the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), which oversees Florida’s Medicaid program.

In consultation with several experts, the report concludes that sex reassignment surgeries, puberty blockers, and cross sex hormone treatments for people with gender dysphoria are not proven as “safe or effective” treatments and are “experimental and investigational.”

“Studies presenting the benefits to mental health, including those claiming that the services prevent suicide, are either low or very low quality and rely on unreliable methods such as surveys and retrospective analyses, both of which are cross-sectional and highly biased,” according to the document.

Experts in the fields of health care research, clinical psychology, plastic surgery, pediatric endocrinology, and bioethics, reviewed available research about these treatments for both adults and children through the lens of Medicaid’s standard of coverage.

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“‘Gender-affirming care’ — a euphemism intended to make the mutilation of the human body sound like a compassionate course of action — has been endorsed by far-left activists and Democrats, including the Biden administration.” – Breitbart

The report sifts through existing studies about gender dysphoria treatments and provides notes about the validity of them based on the conclusions of the studies, the ways in which they were conducted, and the questions left unanswered.

According to the report, Medicaid has a rule which mandates that sex reassignment treatments, as a condition of coverage, must be “consistent with generally accepted professional medical standards (GAPMS) and not experimental or investigational.”

Overall, the document concludes that existing studies do not provide enough solid research to substantiate these treatments, despite endorsements from large clinical organizations.

“While clinical organizations like the AAP endorse the above treatments, none of those organizations relies on high quality evidence. Their eminence in the medical community alone does not validate views in the absence of quality, supporting, evidence,” the report reads.

“To the contrary, the evidence shows that the above treatments pose irreversible consequences, exacerbate or fail to alleviate existing mental conditions, and cause infertility or sterility … ”

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