
Florida man attacked with weed whacker over lawn work pay, report says

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — A Florida man was attacked with a weed whacker after getting into a payment dispute with a lawn care worker.

The Lee County Sheriff’s Office said the worker mowed the victim’s lawn and demanded payment, but the victim said he didn’t have money that day and would pay him the following day.

The sheriff’s office said the worker continued to say he wanted to be paid that day.

The victim walked to a neighbor’s house when he saw the lawn worker coming up to him, weed whacker in hand.

The report said the worker chased the victim around the neighbor’s yard. Eventually, he shoved the weed whacker in the man’s face and hurt him, according to the sheriff’s office. Deputies said the worker fled before they got there. SOURCE/READ MORE.

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VIDEO: Man uses weed whacker in effort to collect a debt — DO NOT ATTEMPT (note: if your yard looks like this, you need a man with a dumpster, not a man with a weed whacker)

Police: Florida man arrested after 3-year-old son shoots himself in the face

by Rachel Tucker, Aug 8, 2022

HIALEAH, Fla. (WFLA) — A man was arrested after his 3-year-old son accidentally shot himself in the face.

According to NBC Miami, Orlando Guzman Labrada left a loaded gun on the bathroom counter while he was using the restroom.

Police said his 3-year-old son opened the door, grabbed the gun and discharged a round.

Police said the bullet grazed the child’s face.

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Labrada was taken to jail and charged with culpable negligence. SOURCE/READ MORE. 

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