
Dr. Oz Calls On Fauci To Resign

FOX NEWS – Dr. Mehmet Oz, who is running in Pennsylvania’s competitive U.S. Senate Republican primary, called on Dr. Anthony Fauci to resign, warning that when you “mix politics and medicine, you get politics,” and telling Fox News the COVID-19 pandemic encouraged him to run for office.

Oz, during a sit-down interview with Fox News Digital on the sidelines of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), said the COVID-19 pandemic and the flawed public health messaging “steeled” him to run for office.

“There’s no question COVID steeled me to run for office because you better be pretty tough. Rhino skin to be able to deal with the criticism.

“What really got me going is when I realized the duplicitousness of the process that an authoritarian overreaching government, a top-down approach, which was destined to fail, could be lied about.

“You actually could see government conspiring with media and industry to tell stories that just really don’t match the reality of what we’re facing.”

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“When things didn’t work out the way [Dr. Fauci] wanted, he began to work with the media to silence people who are raising their hands and saying we can do a better job,” – Dr. Oz 

“That’s a really dangerous thing.”

Oz said that when he began to “get into the specifics on COVID,” he wanted to consider ideas that were “deserving of at least some analysis,” but instead were met with “silence.”

Oz was referring to hydroxychloroquine, a drug typically used to treat malaria that former President Trump discussed as a possible therapeutic early in the pandemic.

“Once he mentioned it, done — you couldn’t talk about that medication,” Oz said.

Oz said he also raised the possibility of children returning to school, but said the option upset “unions and democratic politicians.”

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“I actually think [Dr. Fauci] should resign. He has given us a narrative around COVID that I do not believe was the correct one.” – Dr. Oz 


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