
GOP Rep. Has Message For Biden’s Door-To-Door ‘Strike Forces’

‘Very Pro-Vaccine’ Congressman Has Message For Biden’s ‘Door-To-Door’ Outreach:

‘Back The F— Off’

Daily Wire News – Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) tore into President Joe Biden over the administration’s push to go door-to-door to get as many Americans vaccinated as possible.

Roy told RealClearPolitics during an interview on Friday that his “dad had polio,” and he grew up watching his dad “live a life ravaged” by that disease.

“I’m very pro-vaccine,” Roy said, adding that it was “a great blessing” that a vaccine ended polio and that he was “delighted” that the disease no longer impacted people.

“Likewise, I’m delighted there are millions of people who are able to avail themselves of a [coronavirus] vaccine that they believe, in their calculation, is good for them and their well-being,” he added. “That is great.”

“I’m just sick and … tired of the left, and this government, dictating to me, frankly, anything at all,” Roy said. “Back the f— off. That’s my message to the White House.”

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“The federal government has no right to track the private health information of Americans or to intimidate people into getting the vaccine.” – Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ)

Roy’s remarks come after Biden said this week:

“We need to go to community-by-community, neighborhood-by-neighborhood and, often times, door-to-door, literally knocking on doors to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus.”

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that the Biden administration would be sending “strike forces” into communities to get people vaccinated … 

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), the chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, also slammed the Biden administration for the push.

“Door-to-door vaccine checks on Americans are a blatant abuse of government authority … “

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