
Common bathroom mistake everybody makes

How often should I replace my toothbrush? A dentist weighs in ...

CBS NEWS – When’s the last time you replaced your toothbrush? For many people, the answer is “too long ago.”

“The average person should be swapping out for a new toothbrush every three to four months,” Dr. Kevin Sands, a dentist based in Beverly Hills, told CBS News.

The American Dental Association says you should also replace your toothbrush more often if the bristles are visibly matted or frayed.

With virus season upon us, it’s a good reminder to take any recent sickness into account — this expedites when you should make a swap.

“After you’ve recovered from being sick, it’s best to start off with a new toothbrush that is clean and fresh, just to be safe,” Sands says. “It’s an easy fix for lingering bacteria.”

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“If more than one brush is stored in the same holder, do not let them touch each other.”

“For most people, using hot running water to rinse your toothbrush is usually enough to keep it clean on a daily basis,” Sands says. “Hot water will help soften the bristles and release toothpaste and food particles … ”


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