

Herman Cain – ‘FED UP’ With Mask Rules – Hospitalized With Covid-19

July 2, 2020 | CNBC – Herman Cain, the Godfather’s Pizza magnate who twice ran for president and was briefly considered as a potential Federal Reserve Board nominee under President Donald Trump, was hospitalized Wednesday and is being treated for the coronavirus. Cain, 74, was told Monday that he had tested positive for the disease, according to a statement posted to his official Twitter account. By Wednesday, he “had developed symptoms serious enough that he required...

Dems Call For More PPE Supplies

"The administration completely and utterly failed to provide the private sector with critical guidance" on distribution of PPE. – Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-NY Hous Dems say US needs to address protective gear shortage July 3, 2020 AP – A congressional committee criticized President Donald Trump's administration on Thursday for a series of problems in distributing personal protective and testing equipment during the coronavirus pandemic and called on the administration to come up with a better plan. "We need...

FL Sheriff: I’ll Deputize Gun Owners To Protect Public Safety

Sheriff: I'll deputize gun owners if violent protests erupt GREEN COVE SPRINGS, Fla. (AP) — A Florida sheriff says he will deputize every gun owner in his county to put down any violent protests his deputies can't handle alone. Clay County Sheriff Darryl Daniels gave no indication in a three-minute video released Wednesday that any demonstrations are planned in his suburban Jacksonville county. Daniels also said he would protect any peaceful protests, but added that if...

Upset Primary Win For Restaurant Owner Who Defied Covid Orders

Businesswoman upsets 5-term congressman in Colorado primary DENVER (AP) — Five-term Colorado U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton was upset in Tuesday's Republican Party primary by Lauren Boebert, a pistol-packing businesswoman, ardent defender of gun rights and border wall supporter who wants to abolish the U.S. Department of Education. Boebert won after a campaign in which she accused Tipton of not being sufficiently pro-Donald Trump even though the president had endorsed Tipton, and even though Tipton is the...

Book Claiming Trump ‘Threatens World Health’ Blocked By Injunction

Mary Trump's publisher claims no knowledge of NDA after judge's halt order; says tell-all has shipped An attorney for the president's niece says they will appeal the ruling, claiming the halt is a violation of the First Amendment. July 1, 2020 FOX NEWS – The publisher of a “tell-all” book by a niece of President Trump said it might be unable to prevent her book from becoming public -- adding it was unaware of any non-disclosure agreement...

Fauci, Trump Hold “Intense Discussions” Over Coronavirus Testing Options

Jun 26, 2020 Forbes – As cases spike and outbreaks spiral out of control in several states, the Trump administration is considering pivoting to a new testing strategy — testing people in groups — in a ploy to speed up the process and make it more efficient, the Washington Post reports. KEY FACTS The strategy, known as “pool testing,” would allow officials to test more people with fewer resources and more quickly identify and isolate those who are...

Trump’s ‘Protective Bubble’ Scales Up: CNN

Should Trump reconsider his decision of not wearing a mask? Comment below.  ALSO: These states have the most people wearing masks Conservatives sue over Florida mask rules Measures to protect Trump from virus scale up June 26, 2020 CNN – Measures meant to protect President Donald Trump from catching the coronavirus have scaled up dramatically. As he seeks to insert rival Joe Biden's health into the presidential campaign, Trump has voiced escalating concern about how it would appear if he...

Florida BANS Alcohol At Bars

The Latest: Florida bans alcohol at bars as virus cases soar FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Florida banned alcohol consumption at its bars after its daily confirmed coronavirus cases neared 9,000, almost double the previous record set just two days ago. The Florida agency that governs bars announced the ban on Twitter, minutes after the Department of Health reported 8,942 new confirmed cases, topping the previous record of 5,500 set Wednesday. More than 24,000 cases have...

Cops Arrest Wrong Man In Front Of His Family Based On Flawed Facial Recognition System

Detroit says 'shoddy' work led to arrest tied to technology |  Jun 26, 2020 | By ED WHITE Associated Press DETROIT (AP) — A Black man who was wrongly arrested after the use of facial recognition technology by Detroit police will have his DNA, fingerprints and mugshot removed from law enforcement files, officials said Friday. Robert Williams was the victim of "shoddy investigative work," police Chief James Craig said. Williams, 42, was arrested in January in front of his...

Biden Calls For Mandatory Face Masks

"I would do everything possible to make it required that people had to wear masks in public." – Joe Biden  June 26, 2020 |  By Rebecca Shabad WASHINGTON — Joe Biden says that if he were president, he would require people across the country to wear masks in public during the coronavirus pandemic. "The one thing we do know, these masks make a gigantic difference. I would insist that everybody in public be wearing that mask," the presumptive...

Armed “Vigilantes” Team Up With Police

June 19 2020 The Intercept – A former Albuquerque City Council candidate who ran on a tough-on-crime platform shot a protester at an anti-police brutality demonstration on Monday and was arrested alongside members of a right-wing militia group. The shooting is an extreme example of a trend that has played out across the country as armed vigilantes pledging to protect property have shown up at protests — in many cases with encouragement or even explicit...

Death Threats “On A Regular Basis” Frighten Public Health Officials

“Someone very casually suggested that I should be shot ... ” June 22, 2020 Fox News – Los Angeles County's top health official said Monday that she and others in similar roles have received death threats over safety measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, prompting some to resign, as ways to combat the pandemic have turned increasingly politically partisan. Barbara Ferrer, the director of the L.A. County Department of Public Health, said she and...

Remember When It Was ‘Racist’ To Avoid Egg Rolls?

The tide has turned since Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said: "People are literally not patroning Chinese restaurants, they're not patroning Asian restaurants because of just straight up racism around the coronavirus."   Coronavirus: food-related outbreaks raise new flags about supply security in China PLUS: Norwegian salmon exporters feel China’s wrath South China Morning Post, June 22, 2020  In Europe, South America and the US, meat processing plants have been hotspots for the spread of the virus Many workers at meatpacking plants and...

Ilhan Omar’s Father Dead of Covid-19

Jun 16, 2020 MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Minnesota Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar on Monday announced the death of her father due to complications from COVID-19. In a statement, Omar said Nur Omar Mohamed died Monday. She gave no additional information. Omar said in her statement: "No words can describe what he meant to me and all who knew him. My family and I ask for your respect and privacy during this time." Since her election in 2018, Omar has been...
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