

‘Macho’ Men At Higher PTSD Risk: Study

Strict adherence to traditional masculinity is linked to more severe PTSD in vets | Emotional suppression, self reliance, may also hinder access to and effectiveness of treatment, study says Jan 27, 2020 American Psychological Association – To help service members perform better in the field, military training emphasizes the importance of certain traits associated with traditional masculinity, including suppression of emotion and self-reliance. But when veterans return home, strict adherence to these traits can become detrimental, leading to...

Weinstein Jury To Hear From Accuser Alleging Forced Oral Sex

"I was mortified. I was in disbelief and disgusted." – Harvey Weinstein accuser Mimi Haleyi | NEW YORK (AP) — By her own account, Mimi Haleyi once rebuffed one of Harvey Weinstein's relentless advances by telling him, "I hear you have a terrible reputation with women." Haleyi says she didn't know just how terrible the then-revered Hollywood honcho could be until he sexually assaulted her in his New York City apartment in 2006 — an episode she's expected...

One Subway Ingredient Linked To Fecal Bacteria; 11 Sick

"Anyone who has eaten at Subway restaurants and developed symptoms of E. coli infection should seek medical attention and tell their doctor about their possible exposure to the bacteria." Food Safety News. 1/24/2020 As Headline Health has reported numerous times, Subway's lettuce is a chronic problem ...  Feds again withhold information about E. coli outbreak; restaurant chain implicated By Coral Beach on January 24, 2020 Food Safety News – Federal officials today confirmed another E. coli outbreak that...

Foods That Cause Mental Disorders

Jan 24, 2020 Psychology Today – If there’s one concept health researchers have come to agree on it’s this: What you eat matters. Although they don’t always agree on what constitutes a healthy diet, medical experts have long understood that while certain foods can help to improve your physical well-being, others have the opposite effect. Now, a new collection of evidence clearly demonstrates that what you eat also affects your mental health. A review article published last month...

Mentally Ill Aliens Jam Border Even After 57,000 Sent Back

“I’ve seen mental health declining rapidly, especially with people being denied asylum.”  | Mental health crisis grows in border camps filled with hopeless, depressed migrants Texas Public Radio – Hundreds of red, blue and orange tents are scattered around the Gateway International Bridge that connects Brownsville, Texas, to Matamoros, Mexico, where more than 2,000 asylum seekers live. Children with their families have endured heat, cold and inclement weather for months. Such conditions are grinding down migrants' mental...

‘Megxit’ Triggered By Harry’s Fragile Mental Health?

PLUS: That Time Joe Biden Joked About His Wife Jill and Prince Harry | The Daily Beast – Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s unparalleled gamble of releasing a detailed blueprint on how they see their future as autonomous royals without getting prior approval from the Queen appears to be on the point of paying off. A deal is being rushed through ahead of fresh concerns for Harry’s mental health, with Prince Charles said to be concerned Harry...

Back Pain: Massive Problem, Badly Treated

The burden of back pain Why are better approaches to helping sufferers so slow to spread? Jan 18th 2020 Pete Moore was 43 when he woke up one autumn morning with back pain so excruciating that he struggled to dress himself. His doctor in Romford, an English town, referred him to hospital for an mri scan; this showed that some of the spongelike discs that separate the spine’s vertebrae were bulging out of the slots into which they...

How Porn Changes What You Find Attractive

Jan 14, 2020 Fight The New Drug – In a way, we are what we eat, and we are what we watch. Or at least we internally absorb a large part of the things we consume, both with our eating and viewing. As a society, we realize that what we see impacts the way view others—especially when we’re younger, and are just starting to learn about what the world is really like. Positive messages can be passed on through...

Leading Cooking Oil May Cause Alzheimer’s

"If there's one message I want people to take away, it's this: reduce your consumption of soybean oil."  | By University of California - Riverside – New UC Riverside research shows soybean oil not only leads to obesity and diabetes, but could also affect neurological conditions like autism, Alzheimer's disease, anxiety, and depression. Used for fast food frying, added to packaged foods, and fed to livestock, soybean oil is by far the most widely produced and...

Deadly Effects Of Last Car Part You’d Expect

Air pollution from brake dust may be as harmful as diesel exhaust on immune cells – new study January 13, 2020 The harmful impact of air pollution caused by diesel exhaust fumes on our health is well known. It’s responsible for causing everything from respiratory problems to dementia and even certain types of cancers. But what most people don’t realise is that exhaust fumes aren’t the only cause of air pollution. In fact, up to 55% of roadside traffic...

Hindu Menstruation Hut Ritual Finally Ending?

Menstruation huts, exile still persist in Nepal  KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Authorities are knocking down tiny huts in western Nepal where women have been exiled during menstruation and exposed to cold weather and threats from animals and even sexual assaults. Government officials accompanied by police officers and local politicians were going to villages and towns in Kanchanpur district, tearing down the sheds mostly made of mud walls and covered by straw roofs, Chief District Officer Sushil...

Misogynist Deadbeat-Dad Hunter Biden Could Be Prize Impeachment Witness

Hunter Biden has repeatedly concealed the truth in his personal life, denying his paternity of his own son and admitting himself to drug  rehab using a fake ID, that of his deceased brother. Is he mentally and emotionally stable enough to be a credible witness in the impeachment of the president of the United States?  Jan 15, 2020 FOX NEWS – Within moments of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announcing the impeachment managers to prosecute the case...

Coffee Does This To Your Blood Pressure | Mayo Clinic

Jan 13, 2020 Mayo Clinic News Network – The news about coffee and caffeine can be confusing. Is it good or bad for your health? If you have high blood pressure, talk with your health care provider about your caffeine intake. Caffeine can cause a short but dramatic increase in your blood pressure — even if you don't have high blood pressure. Some researchers believe that caffeine could block a hormone that helps keep your arteries widened. Others think...

More Sex May Delay Aging

Use it or lose it, ladies and gentlemen |  Jan 15, 2020 | inews.co.uk – Women who have sex on a weekly or monthly basis have a lower risk of entering menopause early than those who have sexual activity less than once a month, a study finds. Researchers found that women who engage in any degree of sexual activity - including anything from a caress to full intercourse - every week were 28 percent less likely to...
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