
How Porn Changes What You Find Attractive

© Glenn Francis, www.PacificProDigital.com, CC BY-SA 4.0

Jan 14, 2020

Fight The New Drug – In a way, we are what we eat, and we are what we watch.

Or at least we internally absorb a large part of the things we consume, both with our eating and viewing.

As a society, we realize that what we see impacts the way view others—especially when we’re younger, and are just starting to learn about what the world is really like.

Positive messages can be passed on through what content we watch, but so can negative ones. And studies have shown that the majority of our generation and the next were exposed to pornography as young as 9 or 11 years old.

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In fact, one study showed that 93% of men and 67% of women reported being exposed to hardcore porn during adolescence.

$12M For Women Duped Into Porn Films

So what do consumers learn about the world from porn, starting from an early age?

For one thing, porn dictates what is “sexy” and what the ideal sexual fantasy in a relationship looks like, which brings up more than a few issues.

Unrealistic Expectations for Partners

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Just like we wouldn’t want people to think that the photoshopped images on Instagram represent a realistic beauty standard, we should not accept the “beauty” or “sexy” standards that porn shows consumers.

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Porn producers choose performers that are already more attractive by society’s standards than the average person. Then they take those people and airbrush them, give them stylists for hair and makeup, and then work the lighting and camera angles to make them look as good as possible.

This is exactly what happens with regular actors in films, so what’s the harm when it’s done on a porn set? Well, people don’t exactly look to feature films to learn about something important like sex, but the majority of our generation does this with porn.

Not to mention the harms that come from the darker side of pornography, like cosmetic surgeries … Read more. 

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