

Cervical Cancer Vaccine: Science Vs. Fear-Mongering

Feb 06, 2020 | MedPage Today – Vaccination against human papillomavirus, combined with organized screening programs, offers the potential to eliminate cervical cancer worldwide within a century -- and by 2040 in North America, according to a new study ... Laval University, The Lancet Quebec, January 31, 2020 - Cervical cancer as a public health problem could be eliminated worldwide within a century. This is demonstrated by two studies published in the journal The Lancet by an international consortium...

My Doctor Said, ‘Your Baby Is Incompatible With Life’

By Sheila Walsh | Fox News – The first few weeks of my pregnancy were ablur of absolute joy. I told total strangers that I was pregnant. I read books to the wee one in my belly and played an assortment of songs to see if he or she was more country or pop. At our sonogram, we learned the baby was a boy. We were so happy. Then one phone call interrupted our happiness. I would be 40-years-old...

Doctors Miss These Early Cancer Signs

Signs of cancer can appear long before diagnosis, study shows | Research into genetic mutations suggests the possibility of tests that would detect cancer earlier Feb 5, 2020 The Guardian – Early signs of cancer can appear years or even decades before diagnosis, according to the most comprehensive investigation to date of the genetic mutations that cause healthy cells to turn malignant. The findings, based on samples from more than 2,500 tumours and 38 cancer types, reveal a...

Rising Flu Epidemic Risk Due To Global Warming: Yale

“apid weather variability in autumn will continue to strengthen in some regions of northern mid-latitudes in a warming climate, implying that the risk of influenza epidemic may increase 20 percent to 50 percent in some highly populated regions in later 21st century.” " combination of global trends, including insecurity and extreme weather, has heightened the risk ... the spectre of a global health emergency looms large." –  Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, World Health Organization, 2019  Ivy League...

Coronavirus Is Costing Us Billions

Wall Street Journal – Oil prices slid into bear-market territory on Monday, highlighting investors’ growing concern that China’s deadly coronavirus will hurt the global economy by reducing demand for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel in an already well-supplied market. The declines capped an eventful day in markets. President Xi Jinping of China delivered a speech Monday describing the outbreak as a major test of the country’s system of governance and vowing consequences for officials who...

Super Bowl Champ Dies Of Dementia Day After Big Game

"Pound for pound, Willie was the best tackler in the game." – Vince Lombardi Made game-turning play in Super Bowl against Chiefs |  Feb. 3, 2020 New York Times – A Hall of Famer who was a key figure in Vince Lombardi’s dynasty and played on five championship teams in the 1960s has died. Willie Wood, who was overlooked in the N.F.L. draft but forged a Hall of Fame career as one of pro football’s greatest defensive backs, playing...

What’s Killing Pregnant Women In This State?

Women here are twice as likely to die while expecting Feb 3, 2020 | With a death rate for pregnant women that's twice the U.S. average, this state is one of the country's most dangerous places to have a baby. Now, a new study on maternal mortality in Louisiana includes another startling statistic: Homicide is among the leading causes of death. A study published Monday in JAMA Pediatrics by researchers from Tulane University and Louisiana State University...

Born Of ‘Fertility Fraud,’ She Now Needs Fertility Treatment

Dr. Donald Cline "deceived dozens of patients and used his sperm to impregnate them." January 28, 2020 Kaiser Health News – When Heather Woock was in her late 20s, she started researching her family history. As part of the project, she spit into a tube and sent it to Ancestry, a consumer DNA testing service. Then, in 2017, she started getting messages about the results from people who said they could be half siblings. “I immediately called my...

Coronavirus: ‘We Are Basically At A Pandemic Now’

Wuhan coronavirus looks increasingly like a pandemic, experts say |  Feb. 3, 2020 The New York Times – Rapidly rising caseloads alarm researchers, who fear the virus may make its way across the globe. But scientists cannot yet predict how many deaths may result. Medical workers transporting a coronavirus patient into an isolation ward in Fuyang, China, on Saturday. Experts fear a coronavirus pandemic, but its severity is uncertain. The Wuhan coronavirus spreading from China is now likely...

Would You Get The ‘Flu Shot’ If They Changed It To A Pill?

by Julie Scagell, Jan 25, 2020 | In a new study published in the journal The Lancet, a pill being manufactured by biotech company Vaxart Inc. is being considered as effective as a flu shot at preventing the H1 influenza infection. “New vaccines that protect by alternative mechanisms are needed to improve efficacy of influenza vaccines,” the study said in part. The pill utilizes a non-spreading adenovirus to carry the flu protein. The study found that just...

John Andretti, 56, Dies Of Colon Cancer

PLUS: How to prevent colon cancer  January 30, 2020 NASCAR.com – John Andretti, a longtime competitor in NASCAR, IndyCar and sports-car racing, died Thursday. He was 56. “John Andretti embodied the spirit of a champion and inspired an entire fan base through his courageous battle with cancer,” NASCAR President Steve Phelps said in a statement. Andretti won twice in 393 starts in NASCAR’s top division from 1993-2010, both victories coming with NASCAR Hall of Famers as his team...

Fixing Your ED Reduces Heart Attack Risk

"The treatment of ED had been shown to be beneficial for cardiovascular diseases." A medical study affirms that when a man reverses his erectile dysfunction (such as through diet and exercise to lose weight and improve blood flow), he also reduces his risk for heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. Below are highlights of that report, followed by new you can use to reduce ED and heart disease risk naturally.  Abstract Introduction Erectile dysfunction (ED)...

Florida Hunter Diagnosed With Leprosy

"Sometime within the last 500 years, European explorers transmitted leprosy to armadillos in the New World. Now, a new study finds that the disease is capable of jumping back from armadillos to humans." – Live Science | File photo January 14, 2020 ClickOrlando.com  – A Central Florida man suffering from a skin rash mystified doctors trying to treat his symptoms until they learned of his previous history as an armadillo hunter decades earlier leading to the diagnoses...

US Virus Deaths: Flu 8,200, Coronavirus 0

140,000 Americans have been hospitalized with the flu, and that number is expected to climb. CNN – The novel coronavirus that's sickening thousands globally -- and at least five people in the US -- is inspiring countries to close their borders and Americans to buy up surgical masks quicker than major retailers can restock them. There's another virus that has infected 15 million Americans across the country and killed more than 8,200 people this season alone....
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