
Fixing Your ED Reduces Heart Attack Risk

“The treatment of ED had been shown to be beneficial for cardiovascular diseases.”

A medical study affirms that when a man reverses his erectile dysfunction (such as through diet and exercise to lose weight and improve blood flow), he also reduces his risk for heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. Below are highlights of that report, followed by new you can use to reduce ED and heart disease risk naturally. 



Erectile dysfunction (ED) and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) share many common risk factors. ED could be a strong independent predictive factor of CVDs. Furthermore, the treatment of ED had been shown to be beneficial for cardiovascular diseases. However, the association between ED and CVDs has been reported scarcely in the literature.


To investigate urologists’ perception, diagnosis, and treatment of CVDs in patients with ED.


The study was conducted as a prospective study from November 2018 through February 2019, including urologists aged 18–64 years. All participants completed a survey of the knowledge of ED via an online questionnaire platform in 7 WeChat groups of urologists. WeChat is the most popular multipurpose messaging and social media in China.

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Main Outcome Measure

The main outcomes were the answers that urologists chose or filled.


449 urologists were included. Most of participants (375, 83.5%) agreed that CVDs are associated with ED. Only 231 participants (51.4%) thought ED was an independent disorder. The awareness of the association between ED and CVDs is significantly higher among male urologists than their female counterparts. Although 378 (83.6%) participants believed that the progression of these 2 diseases was consistent, only 181 (44.9%) would do conjoined assessment of both CVDs and ED. In addition, most urologists only considered conventional treatment, such as psychological intervention (341, 75.4%) and phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor (PDE5i) therapy (318, 70.4%) for their patients, whereas 339 urologists (88.3%) claimed that they would treat CVDs in patients with both ED and CVDs. 344 (76.6%) urologists showed some concerns over PDE5is.


Urologists’ assessment of CVDs in patients with ED was disappointing especially among young and female urologists or those working in underserved areas. Besides, the urologists’ treatments of ED were not updated, and their attitudes toward the safety and effectiveness of PDE5is for CVDs were not optimistic. Source. 

5 natural ways to overcome erectile dysfunction

Harvard Medical School – Whether you currently suffer from ED or are hoping to sidestep this condition, try these tips to overcome ED for better health and a better sex life.

  1. Start walking. According to one Harvard study, just 30 minutes of walking a day was linked with a 41% drop in risk for ED.
  2. Eat right. In the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, eating a diet rich in natural foods like fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and fish — with fewer red and processed meat and refined grains — decreased the likelihood of ED.
  3. Pay attention to your vascular health. High blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and high triglycerides can all damage arteries in the heart (causing heart attack), in the brain (causing stroke), and leading to the penis (causing ED). An expanding waistline also contributes.
  4. Size matters, so get slim and stay slim. A trim waistline is one good defense — a man with a 42-inch waist is 50% more likely to have ED than one with a 32-inch waist. Losing weight can help fight erectile dysfunction, so getting to a healthy weight and staying there is another good strategy for avoiding or fixing ED.
  5. Move a muscle, but we’re not talking about your biceps. A strong pelvic floor enhances rigidity during erections and helps keep blood from leaving the penis by pressing on a key vein. Read more. 

What Foods Cure Erectile Dysfunction?

emedicinehealth – One major cause of erectile dysfunction (ED) is decreased blood flow, which can be a result of conditions such as high blood pressure and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Diets that address these health problems can often improve ED symptoms.

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The Massachusetts Male Aging Study was a large-scale, long-term study of men that found eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish decreased the likelihood of ED. Fruits and vegetables in particular have anti-inflammatory effects and the fiber contained within them may also contribute to the anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, consuming foods high in flavonoids may reduce the incidence of ED. Flavonoids are naturally occurring in fruits (berries, apples, red and purple grapes, oranges, grapefruits, lemons), vegetables (onions, scallions, kale, broccoli, celery, hot peppers), chocolate, soybeans and legumes, and beverages such as wine and tea.

What Are the Physical Causes of Erectile Dysfunction?

Physical causes of impotence are thought to be more common than psychological causes. However, as stated before, they often coexist. The inability to achieve an adequate erection can cause psychologic troubles, which then make it even more difficult to achieve an erection the next time.

Erectile dysfunction related to medical/physical causes is often treatable but less commonly curable. In some cases of medication-induced erectile dysfunction, changes in medication may improve erections. Similarly, in men with a history of arterial trauma, surgical intervention can restore erectile dysfunction.

In most cases of ED associated with a medical condition, treatment allows one to have an erection “on demand” or with the aid of medications/device (but not spontaneous).

In the evaluation of physical causes of ED, the health care provider is assessing for conditions that may affect the nerves, arteries, veins, and functional anatomy of the penis (for example, the tunica albuginea, the tissue surround the corpora).

In determining a physical (or organic) cause, your health care provider will first rule out certain medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart and vascular disease, low male hormone level, prostate cancer, and diabetes, which are associated with erectile dysfunction. Medical/surgical treatment of these conditions may also cause ED.

In addition to these health conditions, certain systemic digestive (gastrointestinal) and respiratory diseases are known to result in erectile dysfunction … Read more. 

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