MUSTREADALASKA – A high school teacher in an Ontario, Canada suburb will be allowed to continue wearing large prosthetic breasts to Oakville Trafalgar High School, where the transgender male to female teaches shop class.
The large plastic breasts have nipples that protrude through the man teacher’s thin shirts, and have brought the school district unwanted international attention.
The Halton District School Board conducted a review of a proposed dress code at the request of concerned citizens and has determined that implementing any dress code would bring legal problems to the district.
The teacher at Trafalgar High School walks to school in his fetish attire.
Superintendent Sari Taha and Director of Education Curtis Ennis wrote:
“While the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal has acknowledged the ability of an employer to establish dress and grooming standards for the purposes of professional business, and health and safety reasons, the Tribunal has likewise acknowledged that an employer cannot establish standards which, in their application or administration, result in differential treatment on the basis of a protected ground,” …