“I’m the guy that helped get Obamacare passed.” – Joe Biden, Feb. 11, 2020
Biden wrapped himself in Obamacare … it did not go well
Headline Health – Joe Biden went down in spectacular defeat with a fifth-place finish in yesterday’s first-in-the-nation New Hampshire presidential primary.
In the final hours before he beat a hasty retreat out of the Granite State – leaving loyal supporters at his election night gathering in Nashua dazed and confused – the former vice president proudly proclaimed in what was likely his last sit-down interview of the primary (and possibly of his entire campaign):
“I’m the guy that helped get Obamacare passed.”
Here are excerpts from that interview yesterday morning … what may go down as Biden’s “famous last words.”
Joe Biden: “What I’ve had on television, all my ads are about health care here. … ”
February 11, 2020
The polls opened in New Hampshire on Tuesday for the first-in-the-nation primary.
WGBH Morning Edition host Joe Mathieu, on the road in Manchester, N.H., spoke with former Vice President Joe Biden.
Joe Mathieu, WGBH NEWS: Good morning and congratulations for making it to the primary. You’ve been at this for a long time. So give it to me straight. You’re not expecting to win the New Hampshire primary. What’s going to happen today?
Joe Biden: Well, I don’t know what’s going to happen today. I feel good about the response we’ve gotten … [Biden received 23,721 votes out of 422,697 total votes cast in the Democrat and Republican primaries, making him the choice of 5.6% of the state’s voters.]
Mathieu: You have to bring coattails, is what you’re saying.
Biden: Yeah, I think so. I’m not being facetious. I really mean that …
Mathieu: So let’s talk about Super Tuesday and beyond. You recently criticized Pete Buttigieg for a lack of national experience. You’ve said a self-declared democratic socialist, i.e. Bernie Sanders, cannot win the country. How, then, does a Democrat beat Donald Trump?
Biden: No, I didn’t say he couldn’t win the country. I said I don’t think he can help candidates who are in trouble in tough states win, particularly in the South and the West.
“I’m the guy that helped get Obamacare passed … ”
Mathieu: Do you think he’s a viable general election candidate?
Biden: Look, I think any of the Democrats have a shot at beating Donald Trump. I do. And I don’t think — I wasn’t criticizing Pete Buttigieg. What I’ve had on television, all my ads are about health care here. What I did do [is] respond to Pete saying that all inherited the problems of the past. Well, who’s the past? Barack Obama and Joe Biden. We were the last before Trump was [in office].
So he’s implicitly criticizing what we did. Well, we did a pretty good job, I think. And the president did a hell of a job. And I was responsible for a number of the things that mattered. I was able to convince three Republicans to switch their votes and to do the Recovery Act, which was $900 billion — $900 billion kept us from going into a depression, less than 1 percent fraud or waste in the largest program ever spent. And so, the idea I didn’t do anything? I’m the guy that put together the chemical weapons treaty. I’m the guy that helped get Obamacare passed. I was responding to his criticism that baggage was the last administration … Read more.