
Anti-Vaccine Singer Dies After Deliberately Catching COVID

PLUS: "Darwin’s theory is coming into play '''

TIMES OF ISRAEL | PRAGUE, Czech Republic — An anti-vaccine Czech folk singer has died after she deliberately contracted COVID-19 to obtain a health pass that would have allowed her to visit the sauna and theater, her family said.

Proof of vaccination or recent infection is required to access cultural and sports facilities as well as for travel and for visiting bars and restaurants in the EU member state.

Hana Horka, who was the vocalist for the band Asonance, died on Sunday at the age of 57, according to her son Jan Rek.

She voluntarily exposed herself to the virus when her husband and son, both vaccinated, caught it before Christmas, Rek told public radio iRozhlas.cz.

“She decided to continue to live normally with us and preferred to catch the disease than to get vaccinated” … READ MORE. 

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“Coronavirus is a sad study of natural selection.” Reginald J. Clyne, Esq. 


“Darwin’s theory is coming into play ”’

OPINION | THE MIAMI TIMES, Reginald J. Clyne, Esq. Jul 27, 2021

In 1859, the English naturalist Charles Darwin wrote his famous book, “On the Origin of Species,” which was his theory that nature selects out the strongest and fittest, who survive to pass on their genes to the next generation. We are now seeing his theory in real time.

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was initially believed that the elderly and persons with preexisting conditions were the most vulnerable, and that young, healthy people would survive exposure to the virus, because of their stronger immune systems. Thanks to science, we were given vaccines that enable smart people to get vaccinated and boost their immune system. With the vaccine, even the elderly and persons with compromised immune systems can survive exposure to the virus.

Now, Darwin’s theory is coming into play. New variants of the virus are emerging, delta and lambda, and they are hitting younger individuals with healthy immune systems. In fact, 99% of coronavirus patients currently hospitalized are individuals who chose not to be vaccinated.

These patients are younger, and for most part, healthier than the first wave of COVID patients. Only .0004% of vaccinated individuals are dying from the virus. In contrast, unvaccinated people are landing in ICU and losing their lives.

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Those of us who celebrated the end of the pandemic because we had the miracle cure must now accept the reality that because we did not reach the 70% vaccine rate needed to reach herd immunity, the virus is surging again. In most states, less than 50% of eligible residents are vaccinated.

People refuse to take the vaccine for a variety of reasons. Some think it is a government plot to implant a “chip” inside your body and track your whereabouts. Some are scared because the vaccine has only emergency approval [the vaccines now have full approval – ed.].

I listened to a segment on television where a doctor explained to a patient in an ICU who refused to take the vaccine because of its emergency approval status, that he was being treated by medications that were also approved on emergency basis … READ MORE. 

“Darwin’s theory is coming into play ”’



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