
Aaron Rogers “Dumb As Bricks”

Aaron Rogers sort-of apologizes for vaccine lies | PLUS: "I picked the wrong week to stop calling people dumb-as-bricks"

(CNN)Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers reappeared on “The Pat McAfee Show” Tuesday and took “full responsibility” for his comments last week about his vaccination status and being “in the crosshairs of the woke mob right now” over his vaccination status.

“I made some comments that people might have felt were misleading. And to anybody who felt misled by those comments, I take full responsibility for those comments,” Rodgers said Tuesday.

“I understand that this issue, in general, is very charging to a lot of people because we are talking about public health. I totally respect that,” Rodgers said. “I made a decision that was in the best interest based on consulting with my doctors. And I understand that not everybody is going to understand that necessarily. But I respect everybody’s opinion.”

Rodgers told McAfee he is feeling “really good” after testing positive for Covid-19 last week. Rodgers missed last Sunday’s game against the Kansas City Chiefs due to Covid-19 protocols. The Chiefs defeated the Packers 13-7.

During an interview on McAfee’s show Friday, Rodgers confirmed he is unvaccinated against Covid-19 and is disappointed with the treatment he’s been receiving in the media. Rodgers said the media was on a “witch hunt” … READ MORE. 

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Words fail me: I picked the wrong week to stop calling people dumb-as-bricks

BOSTON GLOBE – I’m going to try to get through this whole column without typing the words stupid, idiot, or dumb-as-bricks.

Such terms are beneath me, according to my mother. They are unhelpful to the reader, according to my editor. They reflect poorly on me, according to my critics.

Fair enough. But this is going to be tough! For, today, we’re taking a little tour of folks whose recent words and deeds are almost impossible to describe any other way.

Sometimes, it feels like they’re taking over … 

I am struggling, too, for a way to describe Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers after this last week. Rodgers lied about being vaccinated against COVID, endangering his teammates and others with whom he came into maskless contact. He was found out after contracting the virus last week.

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As if that wasn’t bad enough, he embarked on a series of bizarre justifications containing all the greatest hits of anti-vax lunacy, starting with the reassurance that he had done his own research and comparing his resistance to the justice work of “the great” Martin Luther King Jr.

What in heaven’s name is this nuttiness? Rodgers seemed smart; he had a sense of humor; he stood up for players who took a knee during the anthem; he hosted “Jeopardy!” for heaven’s sake!

I’d never have bet he’d join this motley, muddle-headed mob.

Guess that makes me an idiot. READ MORE [subscription may be required]

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