
‘Carelessness Of Politicians’ Killed Texas Mom: Obit

Isabelle Papadimitriou

“Her undeserving death is due to the carelessness of the politicians … “There is no doubt that poor policy and terrible leadership were responsible for her death.””

The Hill – A Texas woman used her mother’s obituary to slam politicians’ response to the coronavirus pandemic after her mother died from the virus.

Fiana Tulip wrote in an obituary for her mother, Isabelle Papadimitriou, published Tuesday by The Dallas Morning News”

“Isabelle was a giant, and powerful in her kindness. She made a difference each and every day in many people’s lives. And like hundreds and thousands of others, she should still be alive today,”

Papadimitriou died July 4 after a week of battling COVID-19. She was 64.

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Tulip wrote:

“Her undeserving death is due to the carelessness of the politicians who continue to hedge their bets on the lives of healthcare workers through a lack of leadership, through a refusal to acknowledge the severity of this crisis, and through an inability and unwillingness to give clear and decisive direction on how to minimize the risks of the coronavirus. Her death could have been prevented.” 

Tulip also wrote an op-ed published Tuesday by the Austin American-Statesman more directly slamming Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) response to the pandemic and blaming him for her mother’s death.

She invited Abbott to her mother’s burial, noting that Papadimitriou is one of 525 Dallas County residents who have died from COVID-19 thus far.

Tulip wrote that her mother, a respiratory therapist, “waved off” suggestions from family to go to the hospital after experiencing some symptoms because she knew the hospital was at capacity.

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But by the time she was taken, Tulip said it was too late … Read more. 

ALSO ON HEADLINE HEALTH TODAY: Planned Parenthood Removes Name of RACIST Founder | Virus, Despair At Women’s Prison | Bill Anderson 


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