
Don’t Say ‘Slut’: The politically correct word is polyamorous

Will Smith’s daughter, singer Willow, 22, came out as 'polyamorous' | PLUS: ‘She’s a slut’: this is now considered sexual bullying and "contributes to cultural misogyny"

NEW YORK POST – Last summer, Christine spotted a hickey on her then-15-year-old daughter’s neck. When she asked where it came from, her teen turned bright red.

That’s when the girl confessed to dating a female classmate and came out to her mother as bisexual — joining a trend which, new data shows, is making Gen Z women the most openly bisexual group in society.

“I really don’t care about her sexuality,” the mom told The Post. “I mean, my sister is gay.”

But secretly Christine couldn’t help wondering: Was her teenager — living in one of California’s most affluent cities and a freshman at one of the state’s top-performing schools — just following a trend?

“It is a wealthy community, and I think these kids have a lot of guilt about their environment. I definitely think, in their mind, it’s super cool to be bi, or gay, for sure,” Christine said.

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“I love men and women equally and so I would definitely want one man, one woman.” – Willow Smith 

“I question whether it’s about being accepted. Because I think the pressure for these kids to fall into an oppressed category is so strong that they just want to be in some sort of group.”

“I’m like isn’t everyone bisexual?”

  • Willow Smith
    Willow Smith, daughter of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, came out to her mother as bisexual at 19, as well as polyamorous.
  • Lili Reinhart
    Riverdale actress Lili Reinhart, who, at 26 came out as bisexual in 2020, and said, “It just didn’t seem like a big deal to me. The way I look at the world right now, I’m like isn’t everyone bisexual?”

Christine, who requested a pseudonym to respect her daughter’s privacy, is not alone in wondering why Gen Z young women — those born after 1997 — are coming out as bisexual in record numbers.

A new analysis of Census Bureau data reveals that between 19% and 22% of women aged 18 to 25 identify as bi.

That makes them the main driver of the shocking statistic from Gallup polling last year that 19.7% of Gen Z is LGBT …

Over the course of the past decade, the percentage of all Americans identifying as LGBT has doubled to 7.2% … READ MORE.

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‘She’s a slut’: sexual bullying among girls contributes to cultural misogyny, social scientist claims 

By Barbara Spears, Adjunct Professor of Education and Social Development, University of South Australia, April 11, 2021

THE CONVERSATION – In an online petition launched by Chanel Contos in February, thousands of women have now disclosed  instances of sexual harrassment and assault when at school parties. The petition’s author was calling for sexual consent to be taught better, and earlier, in schools.

But the petition was quickly swamped with personal testimonies, feeding into the broader national discussion about sexism and misogyny that had emerged after former government staffer Brittany Higgins alleged she had been sexually assaulted by another staff member at parliament house.

In an opinion piece in The Guardian, Contos wrote that everyone contributes to rape culture, including herself. She said:

Of course I called girls sluts […] of course I called people frigid and of course I made my friends feel insecure about their level of sexual activity. Of course I did, because everyone I knew did.

Such behaviour among girls can often be dismissed or trivialised as “just being bitchy”. But it is also a sub-type of bullying — what some researchers refer to as “sexual bullying” … read more. 

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